Tuesday, July 30

The rising sun is hiding It’s heat behind a morning rain cloud off over Galveston bay. The first cup of coffee on the porch is more or less comfortable under the fans.

No breeze is moving thru the trees, not a leaf is stirring. Two cattle egrets are stalking breakfast across the yard. A male cardinal is fighting his reflection out at the Sport Trac.

The weather foretelling is for afternoon showers… they are already building to the south and east. Chances are the foretelling will become factual.

I’ve missed the Mississippi kites this year. The tree the liked to perch on is gone. It was nice to have them around for a few years…

Time to go in and check the news…

2 thoughts on “Tuesday, July 30

  1. The forecast was on target. We just had an hour-long storm that was pretty impressive: heavy rain, and wind gusts up to 40mph. I think there might have been a little hail, but just enough to clatter on the window. Now, the clouds are starting to thin — maybe it’s heading your way.

    Have you ever come across the site called FishWeather? I’ve come to really like it for wind report. Here’s a link to their live wind for your area.

    1. We have been listening to impressive thunder since 4pm. Most of that was from over your way. It’s come down quite nicely for most of that time, with heavier showers on occasion.

      I’ve had a couple of graphical wind map sites I’ve used for years… But. that one looks nice.

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