This morning is the warmest start we've seen this summer, I think. Hurricane Laura is close enough to us that she's starting to pump that tropical air our way. We've already had some rain showers. And it's looking like that will be our weather pattern for the day. The first…
It's the second day of school... virtually. The first day went by with only a few glitches with the technology. And most of them seemed to be at the school's end. Hopefully, all of the bugs will shake out in a week or so. Tropical storm Marco has pretty much…
During the early morning/late night hours, thunderstorms moved thru. Lightning flashed filling my dark bedroom with brightness. Thunder cracked loudly. I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. For the first time in a long time my alarm was set and I had to get up early. You…
It's almost cool, almost dry, but it's still going to be hot by the afternoon. We are now living in an area of weather forecaster hysteria. Tropical storms headed for the Gulf. Did you notice i said storms,.. as in two. Marco and Laura. And the latest models are now…
Another almost cool morning for high summer. Dew rests heavy on the cars, and dewdrops glisten in the grass. But, strangely, the eyeglasses didn't fog up when I came outside. The first sound that registered today was the call of a pileated woodpecker above my head. That loud prehistoric sound…
Sunrise is spectacular this morning. The sun coming up behind a thunderstorm over Galveston Bay. The temperature is also not too bad, though the humidity is up a bit this morning. Cardinals are chirping all over the yard. And hummingbirds dive bomb the feeder trying to claim it as their…
Happy Birthday Mom. I made it out before sunrise. Not usual for me. And to top it off, the outside temperature is almost the same as in the house. That makes the fan supercilious, almost chillingly. I'm going to have to get used to rising about this time to make…
Not too warm for the start of the day. 75 degrees, not bad for the full blown August. But it's oh so still. Not a breath of a breeze. And quiet... barely a bird singing. I have to go through the process of setting up a couple of computers today…
Ahhhhhh, the vagrancies of summer weather on the Texas gulf coast. It's the low 70's out here on the front porch. But with full sun, it won't take much to hit the forecast high of 97 degrees. The first load of laundry is in. The first cup of coffee is…
Overnight the prognosticators were foretelling of a 60% chance of rain. Judging by the driveway out front, that didn't occur. Today, the foretelling is for a 40% chance... and from the look of the clouds it could start at any moment. From the look of the radar, it's all a…
Talk about a blast from the past that is oh so relevant today... [Verse 1]There's something happening hereBut what it is ain't exactly clearThere's a man with a gun over thereA-telling me, I got to beware [Chorus]I think it's time we stopChildren, what's that sound?Everybody look what's going down…
It's pretty loud out this morning. Mostly birdsong, but the occasional sound of squirrels playing and eating. Even the traffic sounds from the bypass seem louder for a Sunday morning. And the airplane buzzing by so low blasts all other sounds. I came out early and the temperature was still…
The humidity must be lower than usual. Because, even though it's as warm as it's been, it doesn't feel as sticky. It still wouldn't be comfortable without a fan. Birds are singing, anoles are hunting, the yard is mowed for a couple of more weeks, and we are still under…
A cloudless sky greets me this morning. Sun on the concrete, warning an already warm world. Just a breath of breeze, a breath almost held. A faint tinkle of wind chimes barely heard. There's a sameness to the daily grind that is Donald Trump trying to break America. The schoolyard…
This morning I slept in. So it's late and the temperature has passed 80 a while ago. But... For some reason, it doesn't feel as warm as it is. It could be that there's a better breeze blowing than I've felt in a long time... or it could just be…
Today's already hot and sticky. It really feels like I'm living in a tropical swamp... right down to the dragonflies patrolling by the squadrons. Though the mockingbird singing in the pine is a nice touch. Well, I see we have a Democratic ticket. I can't say I'm shocked by the…
This is one of those summer mornings I wouldn't wish on a dog. Warm, going up towards hot, and muggy. There is a breeze, not much of one but it's there. It's enough to make the leaves twist and catch the sun... sparkling against the clear blue sky. I walked…
It rained for much of yesterday afternoon. Sometimes lightly, sometimes cats and dogs. So this morning the drive is still damp. And while warm and muggy, it doesn't feel half bad. Hummingbirds are bumping chests over the blooms on the chaste tree while cicadas buzz in the background. And all…
As you can see, there's a nice rain shower towards the rising sun. It makes for some amazing cloud formations. But it's already warm and headed for hot. The only birds talking this morning are the crows. Construction is going on at one of the two construction sites on this…
Not much going on out here on the front porch today. A warm and muggy start to a gulf coast summer's day. My daughter loaded up her kids for a day at the beach... hopefully with social distancing in existence. There's not a breath of air stirring that isn't mechanically…
It was already above 80 degrees when I stepped out on the front porch this morning. Warm and muggy, standard summertime faire. The extended forecast has rain back in the picture on Sunday before a string of higher probability days start next Wednesday. Well my trip into town for Covid-19…
It's the middle of my birthday cycle. I'm half a year past the last one and half a year to the next. Not that I really pay attention to them. Though, truth be told, I'm reaching an age where they seem to come faster and faster. The morning is warm,…
I have an early appointment this morning. So images are what you get... Y'all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation...
I walked out first thing to bring in the garbage bin. So today's shots are from out near the road. It makes for a different perspective. As Gary Myers quoted this morning, change the focus of the eye. So that's what I did... at least for the moment. Somewhere, not…
When I come out and start these muses each day, I first take my record shots and do the post professing, then I upload them to this site. Once that is done I spend some time reading the blogs of those I follow via the Wordpress app. Once that is…
Today I slept in. By rights, I should be on the back porch. But, late as it is, the back porch is soaking up sun. And with the temperature already above 80 degrees, I'll take the shady side of the house. I find myself spending more time actually musing this…
Thunderstorms moved into the area in the night... and decided to stay. It's cool with an occasional breeze out here on the front porch. Lightning flashes and thunder rolls across the heavens as light rain continues to fall. The prognosticators foretold of this. The radar is full of color... It's…
Looking towards the rising sun, the sky always has a different shade of blue. Especially on these hazy, heavy, humid mornings. It's almost as pronounced as the change in the hue of green that happens as you cross the line between my yard and my neighbors. That color change in…
Sitting on the front porch today. Humidity is at a high because of all of the rainfall lately... afternoon showers starting a couple of hours before noon caused by the high humidity and moisture off the gulf. It's a bit of a self perpetuating cycle. Way back in my early…
When I stepped out to grab my record pics this morning the above was attached to the back wall at eye level. The crazy thing is, there's no milkweed in the vicinity this year. What I was actually trying to capture was this... Cloudless blue skies reflected in the dew…