Saturday, August 1, 2020

Thunderstorms moved into the area in the night… and decided to stay. It’s cool with an occasional breeze out here on the front porch. Lightning flashes and thunder rolls across the heavens as light rain continues to fall. The prognosticators foretold of this. The radar is full of color…

It’s my wife’s big 60 today. Since going out to celebrate doesn’t seem real smart right now, I spent some time yesterday looking for the makings of a good Birthday dinner. I didn’t expect it would be that hard to find a good steak. Wow. I finally found one that will work. So my evenings work is set… bake some potatoes, pull together a salad, and grill a tomahawk steak.

It’s late due to the sleeping weather. And I need to fix a Birthday breakfast.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation.