Thursday, August 13, 2020

This morning I slept in. So it’s late and the temperature has passed 80 a while ago. But… For some reason, it doesn’t feel as warm as it is. It could be that there’s a better breeze blowing than I’ve felt in a long time… or it could just be the number of birds that are singing. Or it might just be the optimism in the air that GC Meyers was speaking about this morning…

Even the squirrels seem to feel it as they run around in the trees and on the ground. A hummingbird buzzed down and hovered in front of my face. A Carolina wren has been singing all over and sat down on the table in front of me to talk. He’s now moved around to the back yard to sing… funny how such a small bird has such a big voice. The Mississippi kite keeps circling in the one patch of open sky I can see.

Once again the dump trucks are toing and froing down the road in front of my house. Back in the county there’s a large property they’ve been trying to subdivide for a few years now without much luck. Lately I’ve noticed they’ve been cutting roads through the woods, if you can call them that. I guess that’ll mean more traffic on our little narrow two lane blacktop.

The school bus drivers are out practicing their routes just like it’s a normal school year. I made the decision back in early summer that my grandkids that live here with me were going to avail themselves of the online learning until someone got a handle on this pandemic. Everyone is now jumping higher and higher trying to catch that rapidly rising handle. Maybe by the 2021-22 school year.

I need to take my morning meds and my cup is empty… Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the World. Catch you on the other side…