Friday, August 14, 2020

A cloudless sky greets me this morning. Sun on the concrete, warning an already warm world. Just a breath of breeze, a breath almost held. A faint tinkle of wind chimes barely heard.

There’s a sameness to the daily grind that is Donald Trump trying to break America. The schoolyard bully who would be king. The tyrant who now wants to destroy Social Security. That’s his latest pronouncement from his bully pulpit. If elected president he will end the payroll tax that funds all of our Social Security checks.

It seems he even admits that he is defunding the Post Office to keep the states from allowing voters to vote by mail. His man at the Post Office is doing everything he can to slow the nails before November. Pulling out sorting machines, forcing mail to be left behind at distribution centers… hell, over the past few years they’ve been shuttering distribution centers around the country.

The really sad thing is, that after three and a half years the Donald still doesn’t know how our government works. Could that be because the only countries he “studies” are the ones run by despots ant dictators? Could it be that the wannabe king would settle for a dictatorship in a heartbeat?

Watching this slow motion disaster that is the USA in 2020 is like watching a damn low budget horror film. Everyone knows not to go into the basement except the Republican Party. So once again Republican lawmakers have led the country to the brink… And Donald Trump is trying to push us over the edge just to keep from making history. At least I think his unlawfulness is historic. And I’m sure what he fears if he isn’t reelected is going down in history as the first American president to move from the White House to the jail house.

I wonder how secret service protection works when the protectee is behind bars… or flees to Russia for political asylum. Any guesses as to which he will chose?

Oh… but I forgot, Donald Trump takes no responsibility for anything. And never heard about anything, or knew who that was… I guess he’s aiming for a dementia excuse.

Sorry for the Rant this morning. It’s just getting a bit overwhelming how blatantly our government is coming off the rails… intentionally.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and really, really Pray for our Nation and the World… it’s getting real out here.