Saturday, August 15, 2020

The humidity must be lower than usual. Because, even though it’s as warm as it’s been, it doesn’t feel as sticky. It still wouldn’t be comfortable without a fan.

Birds are singing, anoles are hunting, the yard is mowed for a couple of more weeks, and we are still under a heat advisory. Life in a pandemic goes on…

The dump trucks are still going to and fro. I followed one a couple of days ago and they aren’t going where I thought they were. Where they are heading all I saw was a dirt driveway into some trees. So evidently it’s all for a new home on a largish property. Though, the property I thought they might be heading for has a new name, Shadow Pond Subdivision.

Construction continues up towards the bypass. I can’t tell if it’s the fire station or the other site that looks like a new apartment complex. But, loud banging is being perpetrated.

A cardinal is fighting with his reflection in each of the car windows out front, even the moon roofs.

And the heat is causing the trees and vines to start dropping leaves early. The Mustang grapes are the worst but, given a bit of breeze and it starts raining mimosa needles.

It’s time to call this muse all mused out. Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the World… and get ready to vote… and vote as early as you can.

2 thoughts on “Saturday, August 15, 2020

  1. Apart from filling the bird feeders, I’ve not poked my nose out yet this morning. There are errands on the agenda: farmer’s market, and a trip to Wild Birds Unlimited in Pearland. I should get the car washed, too, but I think I’ll just do the spray it down at the car wash routine, and call it a day. Otherwise? it’s inside for me, catching up on blogs, doing a little cleaning, and giving thanks for air conditioning!

    1. I agree with the sentiment, though like you errands call. And after yesterday’s heat, it only seems right to hibernate in the cool of inside as much as possible.

      If I’ve discovered anything in the past few years it’s that we only lived outside in the summertime down here because it was cooler than the un-airconditioned house… not by much… but enough.

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