Sunday, August 16, 2020

It’s pretty loud out this morning. Mostly birdsong, but the occasional sound of squirrels playing and eating. Even the traffic sounds from the bypass seem louder for a Sunday morning. And the airplane buzzing by so low blasts all other sounds.

I came out early and the temperature was still in the seventies. In the short time I’ve been outside, it’s moved above 80 degrees already. Once again we are under a heat advisory… the prognosticators are foretelling a high of 99 degrees. It’s another hibernation day for me.

There’s a pair of hummingbirds fighting for the right to harvest the nectar from the blossoms. It’s time for all of the blue Jays to make themselves heard. The population explosion of blue Jays has been amazing. They are everywhere, and they don’t seem to be as territorial as the cardinals.

The Carolina wren is trilling from the old clothes line pole under the pecan. The poles mate rusted off at the ground decades ago. The remaining pole is pushed at an angle but still standing.

Well, I’m heading in. Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the World.