Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Today’s already hot and sticky. It really feels like I’m living in a tropical swamp… right down to the dragonflies patrolling by the squadrons. Though the mockingbird singing in the pine is a nice touch.

Well, I see we have a Democratic ticket. I can’t say I’m shocked by the pick, as a matter of fact it works for me. Now it time for the Trump bullying to move into high gear.

I find myself reliving Elementary school playground memories… over and over again. Trump sounds like nothing more than that petulant bully in every schoolyard playground. Bigger than most of the kids, kinda dumb actually, but so sure of his own importance that he rules by intimidation and his gang of hoodlums.

The trouble is, I’m approaching seven decades on this earth and the USA isn’t an Elementary School playground .

I haven’t seen the whistling ducks in a few weeks. I kinda miss them. Though, most mornings I catch sight of the Mississippi kite soaring around. And hummingbirds are a constant… just not in any numbers. I just had a hawk land on top of the cedar tree. It didn’t stay long, it was being bullied by a jay.

Well, it’s hot and getting hotter… so…Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the World… catch you on the other side.