Sunday, August 23, 2020

It’s almost cool, almost dry, but it’s still going to be hot by the afternoon.

We are now living in an area of weather forecaster hysteria. Tropical storms headed for the Gulf. Did you notice i said storms,.. as in two. Marco and Laura. And the latest models are now aiming both at southern Louisiana. The models also have them crossing each other’s tracks multiple times moving inland.

I spent a couple of hours yesterday afternoon visiting the West End Gallery in Corning, NY and GC Myers. He was giving his annual Gallery Talk at this years exhibition. Of course I was sitting in my living room while being virtually assembled for the event. I enjoyed my first chance to attend. So I have something to thank the pandemic for.i enjoyed every minute of a visit with my favorite artist. Just missed the ability to say hi… maybe next time.

I think I’ll head on in on this beautiful morning and give the birds a bit of peace at the feeders… Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the World. Everyone please plan to get out and vote this fall.

2 thoughts on “Sunday, August 23, 2020

  1. Thanks again, Gary, for checking out the gallery talk. I hope to do some kind of smaller event from the studio at some point and look forward to actually being able to say hello. Have a great day and good luck with those storms! Take care…

  2. You’re right about the hysteria. I’m going to make one last run to the store, and then head to work. I also intend to keep KTRH turned off. That station’s worse than social media for feeding the “We’re all gonna die, maybe… ” beast. If they don’t mind, I’ll not “keep tuned right here”!

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