Monday, August 24, 2020

During the early morning/late night hours, thunderstorms moved thru. Lightning flashed filling my dark bedroom with brightness. Thunder cracked loudly. I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. For the first time in a long time my alarm was set and I had to get up early.

You see, it’s the first day of school here. And I have two students it’s my responsibility to make sure they are up and ready for their virtual classes. And these kids are used to sleeping in all summer.

So the alarm goes off and I stumble out of bed to find both kids sitting at the table eating breakfast… already dressed. So much for my big job of the day.

So here I am, up early and checking on the tropical storms without watching the TV weather personalities blathering about doom and gloom.

So this morning’s models have Marco moving up to Louisiana and then running along the coast towards us… not as good as if it came ashore before turning west. While Laura is still heading towards Louisiana, just a bit further west than before.

And no matter what, the rain chances go up all week.

Well, I need another cup. Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the World. And, plan to vote this fall.