Tuesday, August 25, 2020

It’s the second day of school… virtually. The first day went by with only a few glitches with the technology. And most of them seemed to be at the school’s end. Hopefully, all of the bugs will shake out in a week or so.

Tropical storm Marco has pretty much played out off the Louisiana coast. The latest models have Laura coming onshore at the mouth of the Sabine River and following the river right up the Texas/Louisiana border. That puts us outside of the cone of probability, which is where I want to stay all season.

As you can see, the sun wasn’t even up when I came out this morning. I guess that’ll be my mornings from now on during the week. We are also back in our summertime temperature pattern of 75+ degrees overnight.

I can remember the feeling of mornings like this when I was a kid. We didn’t have AC back then. We were lucky enough to have an attic fan. Now days they are known as whole house fans. Ours was located in the center of the house in the hallway. It only had one speed and it was high. The amount of air it would move thru that small house was immense.

My bunkbed was positioned in front of a large window with operating sashes top and bottom so that both upper and lower bunk recieved airflow. On warm humid nights that airflow would keep enough air flowing over you to lower the wind chill into the low 60’s and leave everything feeling just a bit damp.

Funny thing about those nights… it was the best sleep I ever had. And it required a quilt all summer long. I loved those chill summer nights.

I watched the first night of the Republican Party last night. It was a very surreal experience. I swear my neck hurt from the whiplash of trying to figure out what world these people live in. It sure isn’t the same world I’ve seen inhabiting for the last few years. As a matter of fact, it almost like a Superman comic book with the bizarro version of the world where everything is exactly the reverse of the real world.

Wow, Republicans really do live in a world of Alternative Facts… and they either are totally cynical or delusional to think we believe them.

I’ll give it one more try tonight. But if I here myself called a radical leftwing liberal by another radical rightwing Trumpest I’m done and the TV goes back to Amazon Music… just saying.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the World. Judging by what I heard last night about 30% of the country thinks it’s end of world time if a Democrat wins in November.