Monday, August 3, 2020

When I come out and start these muses each day, I first take my record shots and do the post professing, then I upload them to this site. Once that is done I spend some time reading the blogs of those I follow via the WordPress app. Once that is done I finally put some muses down in words. I guess you could say I get my creative juices jump started off the creativity of others.

This morning, I’ve let the sun encroach halfway across the porch living vicariously through my virtual friends. Many of whom I’ll never meet. Scattered across the four corners of the country. A virtual diner if you will, sitting over coffee telling stories… day after day. Entertaining each other like the old farmers in that gas station diner back in the day. Coffee and a story, then on about the rest of your day. We don’t even have to be there all at the same time.

The prognosticators are foretelling of a hot one today. Their scrying is calling for a high of 95 degrees. Not a temperature that makes me want to contemplate outdoor activities. I think I’ll wait a few days before I attempt to mow till the highs drop a few degrees.

Sherry recieved a small wind chimes for her birthday. It’s hanging on this porch and tinkling quietly in the breeze. It makes a melodic counterpoint to the buzz of the cicadas and the cheeping of the cardinals.

My coffee’s gone and the temperature is rising… time to call it a muse. Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the World… as Mary Gauthier sings… We could all use a little mercy now.