It's Monday After a way too hot weekend... With more time than I care to admit spent on the road... I'm hiding from the heat inside my home. As I am sure many of you are aware, I'm a big fan of the artwork of Gary Myers. My entryway shows…
It's Sunday Just saying...
It's Friday It is extraordinary to see the sea; what a spectacle! She is so unfettered that one wonders whether it is possible that she again become calm.-Claude Monet I haven't done a Photo Friday Challenge in years. This weeks Challenge is "Seashore". So I've dug into my archives for…
It's Thursday There's a meme that's been going around for what seems like forever... Throwback Thursday. I haven't played it, but the outdoor temperature has be wishing for a cooler memory. Here are some of my shots from trips to the mountains... all of which were cooler than here and…
It's Wordless Wednesday
And, it's Friday Rain, rain everywhere... Just not here. More often than not, the radar image above is the way the rain pattern around here looks. Rain will move right up to the edge of my hometown and stop falling. I can watch it happen in real time. It's almost…
It's Thursday There is a promise of rain today, both in the forecast and on the horizon. At some point that promise reaches almost 100%. After teases over the last 3 days, we could really use that promise being fulfilled. The grass and the trees have begun showing more brown…
It's Wordless Wednesday
It's Tuesday Today I got out of bed early and walked out on the porch... Early. The sun hadn't passed the horizon. As a matter of fact, the eastern sky was just a pink glow. Last night, just about bedtime, a small thunderstorm blew over us. It didn't last all…
It's Monday The prognosticators are giving us an optimistic foretelling of moisture falling from the heavens... The rain chances are rising. As you can see, the skies to the east are looking a bit unsettled this morning. The foretelling is of early afternoon thunderstorms scattered around the area. Looking at…
It's Sunday Mary Shelly Once a week I receive an email from Maria Popova that she calls The Marginalian. Maria's essays are always an interesting hyperlinked brain teasing, twisting through time tying together of thoughts and ideas. This weeks essay on Mary Shelly left me with a profound respect for…
It's Saturday To hell with MAGA... I just want America to be America Again! And a bunch of angry old conservatives don't seem to care about what I want... Or even what a majority of my fellow citizens want America to represent. When precedent no longer matters, what makes them…
It's Friday The weekend forecast from Space City Weather... Today through SundayHot, hot, hot. Look for temperatures near 100° or hotter each afternoon with just the slightest chance for a shower or storm. Morning lows should be in the 70s inland and 80s near the bays and Gulf and perhaps…
It's Thursday Today I just visited summer. I walked out our front door... I looked left and I looked right... Then I returned into the house of perpetual spring. With summer officially here this week, I am now entering my reverse hibernation. I've never really hidden from the cold, but…
Wordless Wednesday
It's Tuesday There are thunderstorms rolling around, pretty much isolated just over me. Then though the radar map shows there is lightning and thunder off to my east, I'm not hearing it right here. But the clouds are blocking the sun and making it just a bit more pleasant on…
It's Monday It was too warm, too humid, too still... Visiting the back porch this morning was a thing to do, but not a thing to drag out or to enjoy. The temperature at 78°, when added to the 93% humidity just doesn't invite you to sit and visit. So…
Dad was always full of stories. Any trip into his old home grounds of Wharton County would lead to side trips looking for this home place or that home place while he would tell about his family.
It's Friday It's another warm morning on the front porch. The temperature is 78° and the humidity is at 91%. So as I sit here the fan in the chair is blowing at medium. I'm sure not thrilled by the number of large trucks that feel like they have the…
It's Thursday Looking to the east there's a haze in the air. That's the humidity back this morning. According to the weather app, it's at 96%. Though happily, the temperature is only at 77°. After the last week, that's pretty amazing. There are definitely some happy crickets in the grass…
It's Wordless Wednesday
It's Tuesday There are heavy clouds to the east this morning. I'm sure they won't last. I'm sure they're not bringing any rain. I've been trying to post to my site since shortly after 8:00 a.m. . It's now 11:30 a.m. and due to intermittent outages with my web server,…
It's Monday It's a busy day today. I'm just now starting my first cup of muses... And I'm on the road soon. I have to have lab work done before my physical on Wednesday afternoon. And I have an appointment with my surgeon to follow-up on my surgery. So not…
It's Sunday And, it's still hot out. It looks like it's going to stay that way for the foreseeable future. So I'll be spending most of my time in the indoor environment in comfort...
It's Saturday Nothing more needs to be said...
It's Friday Hello... So says my granddaughters chalk art on the back porch when I walked out. She's been busy out there covering quite a bit of the porch with her chalk art. Though when I walked out I wasn't paying much attention to the ground beneath my feet. I…
It's Thursday I'm back out on the front porch. And really it's because on bright sunny mornings there's nothing like filling your viewscape with shade. So, with the temperature already at 79° and the humidity hovering way too high, I'll sit here and enjoy the fan blowing hard to put…
Wordless Wednesday
It's Tuesday Even though the sun's just up, the thermometer is already reading 79°. So, this muse will be short... I hear a red tail hawk calling in the edge of the woods. Other than that, it's pretty quiet out. Yes there are the normal Cardinals singing. And there's a…
Monday It's definitely summer. We're starting out the day at 76°. And the crickets and the cicadas are making sure that quietness doesn't intrude upon our morning. I pulled up the WordPress app this morning and it informed me that this is my 15th anniversary on WordPress. That original WordPress…