The 23rd of June, Twenty Twenty-two

It’s Thursday

Today I just visited summer. I walked out our front door… I looked left and I looked right… Then I returned into the house of perpetual spring.

With summer officially here this week, I am now entering my reverse hibernation. I’ve never really hidden from the cold, but I’ve always done my best to hide from the heat. And Lord have we had some heat this month…

Here’s what they have to say at Space City Weather this morning…

Be brave, my friends. After an exceptionally warm June—there is no question this month will smash Houston’s previous record for hottest June ever—we are approaching the crescendo of this heat wave. The next four days will all bring the possibility of 100-degree temperatures for the metro area, with baking sunshine, before a possible reprieve early next week.

Houston Faces Four Straight Days Of Potentially 100-Degree Heat Before Relief Arrives Next Week

Down here closer to the coast, the prognosticators are calling for highs of 99° each day. That’s not enough difference to make a difference… Know what I mean. And I’m sure the heat index will tack 10 to 15° onto whatever the actual temperature is…

Living down here, in a place the British government feels deserves tropical hazard pay, I’ve never understood the fascination with summer… Back when I was a kid the summers weren’t quite this hot most years. And the only real thing to like about summer was the lack of school.

Of course, back then, schools were pretty miserable as you approached summer. I was in junior high before the air conditioned the schools. And I can still remember the feeling of taking a test that it being so hot even with the windows open that you smeared your answers as the sweat on your arm would soak into the ink and the paper.

Each classroom had one wall of windows. Windows which were opened long about the end of March here. And they weren’t closed, except for the summer break, until sometime the late November. Add in the one chromed metal fan hanging high on the wall and you have the extent of air conditioning in the south in the ’60s.

By the time lunch rolled around and you return to the classroom it was all you could do to not nod off into a heat induced stupor.

Oh well, enough reminiscing… Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for this dysfunctional nation and the world… I’ll catch y’all on the other side.