The 17th of June, Twenty Twenty-two

It’s Friday

It’s another warm morning on the front porch. The temperature is 78° and the humidity is at 91%. So as I sit here the fan in the chair is blowing at medium.

I’m sure not thrilled by the number of large trucks that feel like they have the right to exceed the speed limit driving down our very narrow road. Some days they all seem to drive at the limit or a little above. Today they have to be pushing it at least 10 miles an hour if not 15. Not something you want to see on what is basically a rural residential two-lane blacktop with deep ditches on both sides.

I was watching a couple of cattle egrets stalking other prey in the yard across the road. But now they’ve decided to fly to Greener pastures.

I can hear the construction beasts going at it already this morning. Though, they’re not much louder than the push mower being used across the street. Although being able to see the heavy machines moving through the screen of trees as I look straight down my driveway is somewhat disconcerting.

And now the cicadas have decided to join the general hubbub of sounds. As I mentioned yesterday, the calm and peacefulness of the back porch is seldom felt on the front porch of a morning.

As a matter of fact, I find myself missing that calm, peaceful feeling… So, I think I’ll take myself inside where I can screen out all the hustle and bustle that is my neighborhood these days.

So y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for a dysfunctional nation and the world. I’ll catch y’all on the other side…