The 7th of June, Twenty Twenty-two

It’s Tuesday

Even though the sun’s just up, the thermometer is already reading 79°. So, this muse will be short…

I hear a red tail hawk calling in the edge of the woods. Other than that, it’s pretty quiet out. Yes there are the normal Cardinals singing. And there’s a Carolina Wren here and there. Even the occasional chickadee.

But what there isn’t is a breath of breeze. Other than the breeze from the ceiling fans it is totally still out this morning.

In the time I’ve been sitting out here on the back porch, I haven’t heard a train one go by. And the sounds of traffic from the bypass are lighter than usual. And so far at least, the construction beasts are quiet for the morning.

there is a crow sitting in the crown of a pine tree talking to another crow on the far side of the place. And the red wing that was speaking just a few minutes ago has now flown down onto the grass in the neighbor’s backyard. Sadly it’s too far away to get a good picture.

Okay… This is going on a little longer than I expected… But what the hey… I’m going to shut this down and head on in. So, y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for this dysfunctional nation… Mainly that it loses its love of AR-15s… And pray for this dysfunctional world. And as the song says ” we could all use a little mercy now “. I’ll catch you on the other side…