The 21st of June, Twenty Twenty-two

It’s Tuesday

There are thunderstorms rolling around, pretty much isolated just over me. Then though the radar map shows there is lightning and thunder off to my east, I’m not hearing it right here. But the clouds are blocking the sun and making it just a bit more pleasant on the front porch this morning.

And though we definitely could use the rain, I really doubt we will get much more than a misting if that. Such as the nature of summer on the Gulf Coast.

Even the traffic appears a little lighter this morning. And the dawn bird chorus is carrying on in the absence of the sun.

But it’s still warm at 79°. And, the fan might be helping to cool my skin down but it’s still muggy. So I think I’ll take this little game show back inside and finish my coffee there… So, y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for our dysfunctional nation and our war torn world… I’ll catch y’all on the other side.