The 30th of June, Twenty Twenty-two

It’s Thursday

There is a promise of rain today, both in the forecast and on the horizon. At some point that promise reaches almost 100%. After teases over the last 3 days, we could really use that promise being fulfilled. The grass and the trees have begun showing more brown than we saw all last summer.

And while there are birds singing, and crickets buzzing, and the sounds of cars and trucks driving by on the road… When it gets quiet, like right now, it’s the subtle sounds of the backup beepers on the construction animals that fills the audible emptiness.

The clouds covering the sky are so heavy with rain that even as the clock closes in on 8:00 a.m., a deep Twilight covers the yard.

I stopped the other day pulled my car off the road and drove around a gate with no fence to sit and watch the construction going on behind the houses across the street. Watching the large backhoes dig, the big dump trucks fill and empty themselves of the dirt coming out of the ground, the large bulldozer scraping and pushing dirt around… Trying to figure out what was being done… The life of a sidewalk superintendent in the land of no sidewalks.

I find myself curious as the process of getting the bull pasture turned into a subdivision continues. I feed that curiosity by driving around the long block on my way back to my home. Even in these days of high dollar gasoline I have to scratch that itch of curiosity… not daily, but almost every time I take a trip away from home.

My big worry, that they will cut a road that will dump a huge amount of traffic onto my little country road. I mean truthfully, I see no way that the construction of 200 plus family homes on that piece of land will not dump more traffic on our little blacktop. And it’s location on the bypass, constrained by a railroad track, with the future route of the Grand Parkway going right up the middle of the bypass… Even though I may not be a prognosticator, I can foresee the future enough to understand that traffic jams are in my future.

Well, as pleasurable as it is sit on this bench and pontificate on what is going on and what is coming up and what may be coming down… I think it’s time for me to call these muses mused and move on with my morning.

So, y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for this dysfunctional nation of ours in this dysfunctional world we live in… I’ll catch y’all on the other side.