Well it's late. Afternoon actually. Our power came back on at 10:00 p.m. on the money. And surprisingly, it stayed on. After making the rounds of the house and making sure everything was copacetic, I went to bed in my own bed at 10:45 p.m. for the first time since…
Working on our third day of rolling blackouts. I don't think they figured out how to make the blackouts roll though. We've had two periods of power each 30 minutes long one on Monday, one on Wednesday. The tough part right now is that you can't buy gas get by…
I woke up this morning due to the chill in the air in the house. Overnight, the house is temperature had dropped to 58°. Not bad, compared to some of my neighbors, one of whom reported last night on Facebook that her house was at 47°. Compared to the outside…
It's still 23° outside. The low tonight is supposed to be 12°. Our electricity has been out all day. We don't expect it to be back on anytime soon. Guess I'll have to throw another log on the fire and hope it keeps us above freezing. Stay warm everyone.
It's 36° and chilly with a wind chill in the mid twenties. The countdown is on for the coming winter storm. Everyday that goes by, the forecast below for Monday night drops a little lower. As of right now it's set at 13°. Now that is very, very cold for…
Baby it's cold outside... 37° at 7:30 a.m., there's a steady wind blowing, and a lot of moisture in the air. All day yesterday, where the forecast called for rising temperatures, that kept falling. Forecasted low last night was only 40°. It's below that now. The forecast says it's going…
Dense fog this morning has turned the world into mostly shades of gray. And with a moderate 63° outside air temperature, it's really hard to anticipate the low 30s the prognosticators are foretelling for the end of the week. Well I took my birthday road trip yesterday, and I must…
It's not very cool out, just 56°. But it's quite windy, and misting a bit of rain. The wind chimes on the front porch have been making a racket all morning long. The prognosticators have placed the chance of rain at 60% today. Driving out to wait for the bus,…
And once again... Just because I can and I'm obsessed with her voice...... https://youtu.be/axfNDZXkUOY
Another misty, overcast, warm spring like day. The birds are happy with the weather being so warm, it even sounds like spring. I can hear the chickens, or the roosters, cooing in their cages around the corner. The prognosticators are foretelling of a cool front blowing the clouds away this…
It's another hazy, overcast, almost cool fall morning. The second train of the morning is going through town. And a bird I like to call the squeaky gate bird is calling from the pine trees. It's probably just a secondary call of a blue jay, since I usually hear it…
I had to open the umbrella again this morning... Clear skys, bright sunshine, slightly foggy air made it unbearably, glaringly brite. Opening the umbrella I woke a anole that had taken refuge inside the closed fabric... he is still roaming the fabric looking for breakfast. The morning an hour after…
Not much to say this morning. I overslept. The cool front has become not so cool. I was able to snap the above shots before heading in to throw together a quickie breakfast. As I type this I still haven't had that first sip of coffee. So the weekend is…
I love weekends. Before covid, I slept in most days... even through the summer I didn't have to get up early. Now that school has started, and virtual school does keep a school schedule, I'm up before the sun five days a week. So... I love weekends... again. I doubt…
Overcast. That's what the day is starting with. And, if the prognoticaters are correct the next ten days will be much the same. Last evening this phone was at 39% charged the last time I looked at it. When I went into the office to grab it off the charger,…
It's warm outside... warmer than normal for this time of year. Almost as warm as it is inside. And the heat is on. Outside it's 65º... inside it's 68º. And, it's overcast. The prognosticators have been foretelling of storms forming by tomorrow... and not the metaphorical storms caused by the…
It's just after noon on this mid month Sunday. Ten days before Christmas and the weather feels anything but Christmas like. We are headed towards 80º today. At least it's breezy. So much so that the air is full of goldenrod seeds. I keep watching the fallen leaves scud along…
Another summer morning hanging on into fall. A bit of morning fog hangs low over the neighbor's yard. The warm stillness feels like a too long goodbye to summer. It's also another morning of impeachment news and, of course, Presidential Tweets. In other news, the prognosticators are foretelling of a…
Light rain falling as I step out on the back porch for this morning coffee muses.
Another cool, wet start on the front porch, the kids are back in school, my better half is back at work... and the sun hasn't shown itself yet on this morning coffee muses.
There's a lite rain falling, thunder rumbling in the distance, on this morning coffee muses.
Thunder to the east, rainbow to the west, warm and humid morning coffee muses.
The rising humidity makes it feel warmer than it is for the morning coffee muses.
The view out the windows today is just the same as it's been over and over for my morning coffee muses.
The cold north wind is making the trees dance for my morning coffee muses.
Rain, thunder, and more rain and thunder, a warm wet morning coffee muses.
A light but steady rain is falling on the cool morning coffee muses.
It looks and feels like winter morning coffee muses.
Sunny but cold, a breezy morning coffee muses.
A Not necessarily cool, but much less humid morning coffee muses.