Wednesday, November 11, 2020

It’s another hazy, overcast, almost cool fall morning. The second train of the morning is going through town. And a bird I like to call the squeaky gate bird is calling from the pine trees. It’s probably just a secondary call of a blue jay, since I usually hear it associated with jays.

The overcast is keeping the noise from the bypass low… not quiet so much as bouncing of low clouds. It just sounds a bit strange coming from a direction not normally associated with that background sound.

The weather is changing… at least a little. There’s a bit of a breeze this morning. Blowing softly from the north. The prognosticators are foretelling of lows in the 50’s and 60’s for the next few mornings. Though highs will still be in the 80’s for a bit more.

We really need another cold cold front to push thru to bring out the color in the trees. The red oak is steadily losing it’s green. There’s a general tint of yellowish orange over the whole tree now. The grass below it is taking on a reddish brown tinge from the fallen leaves… still mostly green though, the grass still growing nicely.

And another train rumbles by.

This morning seems to be the reverse of yesterday. A cloud bank to the east, with just rising wisps of fog over the rest of the skies bowl.

Well, I have another day of updating old posts over at, chasing down new links to old websites, videos, news stories, books… wow the internet has changed in the past decade. Even the way the programming languages interact can have strange effects.

Getting deep into some of these posts from back in my past is a lot like revisiting an old friend, one you haven’t seen in a long, long time. And in the process discovering new acquaintances who with time might become new old friends. Here’s to new old friends…

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the world. Say a prayer for Joe Biden too. He’s gonna need a bit of divine intervention to accomplish what needs to be done after the past four years. Wear a damn mask. Socially distance.