Tuesday, November 10, 2020

To the east there’s a bit of clear sky for the sun to rise into. But from there all the way to the western horizon a rising fog bank is blocking the sky. It’s also causing a strange phenomenon… as the sun comes up it actually seems to be getting just a tad darker. Really, really strange…

It could almost be an allegory for what’s happening in America. Those of us who voted for Biden/Harris are seeing a new dawn for what America means to us. While those of a different bent think we are going to be eating their babies. While a man who has flagrantly broken laws for years yells law and order at crowds, an honest, religious man is denigrated with a brush of self denial from the same man.

Presidential enablers are loudly parroting his self denial that a majority of Americans did not want four more years of his ineptitude. The bubble of fake news our President inhabits is so out of touch with the majority, but not totally unable to see the reality they try to discourage that they have started walking away from the White House fabrication machine.

And so, at a time when everything is urgent, people dying by the hundreds, our wannabe king plays golf and tries to find a friendly court to overthrow the will of the people. If that fails he will be looking to puppet legislatures to reverse that same will. That seems like a great way to make America great again… doesn’t it?

And his Senate enablers, still speaking power to truth, still parroting the President and his “alternative facts”. The only evidence of voter fraud in this country is the President claiming he won.

Sign the letter. Authorize the transition. Open the agencies to the new administration. Let’s get to work at making America America again. The time of banana republic autocrats is not America’s future.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the world. Wear a damn mask. Social distance. We will get thru this too.