February 21st, Sunday

Winter has decided to move back north and let some spring in the air… The temperature this morning is 56°. It should be 70° on the back porch by the afternoon. That’s pretty much what the rest of the week is going to look like, at least according to the 10-day forecast.

If you look at the top image you’ll see the results of a little excitement we had yesterday. My next door neighbor thought it would be a good day to burn some tree limbs. He claims it was the lack of sleep last week that kept him from thinking that through… and after living through the last week I pretty much believe him. But it didn’t take long for his little tree limb fire to get away from him. So now there’s a big black spot in his backyard. And the volunteer fire department got to come out and play. I did have a bag of Wildseed Farms wildflower mix but I took over for him to toss around in his freshly cleared yard. There’s an opportunity for it to look gorgeous this spring.

We went to the grocery store yesterday. There are lots of empty shelves… Empty refrigerators… It’s almost impossible to find bread in this town. And judging by Facebook, PVC couplings have become items of great, great demand. Post after post lists type and size needed. Water lines all over town need repairs. And since we’re at the southern end of the weather, I’ll almost bet you water lines all over Texas need repair. The jobber who handles PVC couplings is going to be a busy busy person for a good time to come.

I just think about it… This really didn’t have to happen. This is a man-made disaster created to ensure profits for corporations.

Enough for the day… Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray our government grows a pair.

Enjoy your Sunday wherever you may be.