Sunday, December 15

It’s just after noon on this mid month Sunday. Ten days before Christmas and the weather feels anything but Christmas like. We are headed towards 80º today.

At least it’s breezy. So much so that the air is full of goldenrod seeds. I keep watching the fallen leaves scud along the ground, sometimes taking flight, sometimes not. There’s a roar in the air as the wind blows thru the treetops… even indoors it can be heard.

It’s so warm the cows behind our place are lying in the shade of a tree.

And as past year’s photos have shown, even though we are warmer than we should be, fall has progressed much further than normal…

2 thoughts on “Sunday, December 15

  1. It was so nice to be reminded of that post again. It looks like the chances for snow are zilch this year, but at least we may have a nice Christmas, with plenty of outdoor time possible. I’m settled in now after downsizing and moving to a smaller apartment, and I’m pleased with my decision. I may not get all my cards out and cookies baked this year, but at least I’m not walking around boxes. That’s all to the good!

    1. Linda, it looks like we missed our best chance of snow this year back with that early cold front that brought the polar air all the way to Texas.

      I see the extended forecast is calling for a high in the mid-seventies for Christmas afternoon. Maybe that will make the house a little quieter as the kids play outside…

      I hope you enjoy the new apartment and it quickly becomes home.

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