Thursday, December 19

It’s frosty out there this morning. I wasn’t expecting it…

It’s also pretty frosty in Washington. I listened to much of the hearings yesterday. What really came thru for me was the hate Republicans feel for Democrats… even as they accuse us of hating President Trump. Even as President Trump spreads hateful speach almost daily.

The other thing that came thru… how bad Republicans must think our memories really are. They seem to think we don’t recall the facts, or else, they assume we all get our fake news from Fox.

And, if ever angry old white men could convince anyone of anything… it would only happen on that same network. And believe me, this angry old white man is mad as hell that they think their actions don’t matter. Their bullying and name calling reckon back to the Elementary schoolyard at recess… just like the actions of their parties leader.

Screed over…

2 thoughts on “Thursday, December 19

  1. Another angry old guy right there with you, Gary. The GOP’s hatred for the Dems and for anyone not staying in line with them is palpable. There will be a price to be paid, hopefully sooner than later.

    1. Gary, as a lonely and proud liberal in a red state I’ve often felt like I was just p****in’ into the wind… of one of our hurricanes. Even down here the change is coming though. More Democrats are showing up on the ballot that once was only Republicans running against an occasional Libertarian.

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