Sunday, October 18, 2020

I had to open the umbrella again this morning… Clear skys, bright sunshine, slightly foggy air made it unbearably, glaringly brite. Opening the umbrella I woke a anole that had taken refuge inside the closed fabric… he is still roaming the fabric looking for breakfast.

The morning an hour after sunrise is quiet. No traffic sounds, not much in the way of birdsong, Sunday mornings are generally the quietest of the week. I did hear a pileated woodpecker let loose it’s primeval call from the woods.

Friday’s weather was such a change from the pattern. It almost felt like a preview of winter… cool, getting cooler all day… damp to start, cold rain later… an unexpected preview of weather to come. It was both led and followed by normal southeast Texas fall weather. Overnight lows in the 70’s and daytime highs in the 80’s to 90’s. Not weather to inspire you to wax poetic about fall.

The predominant sound this morning is the far off sound of chickens from around the corner. I think it’s a large fighting rooster raising facility. They are trying to hide it behind solid fencing and obscured gates. The funny thing is the property was last used as a marijuana grow house before it was raised a decade or so ago. Gotta love your neighbors out here in the country.

The goldenrod at the edge of the porch is beginning to open up. It still has a ways to go to reach peak fallness. But then again, it’s still green out there everywhere I look. The grass, the trees, everywhere green. Leaves are falling, just not in significant numbers…

Well, the mug is almost… no it’s completely empty. And while it’s still cool enough to enjoy my rocking chair and this place on the porch… breakfast is calling me. Since I’m head chef around here that means I need to start pulling it together… Soooo…

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the world. Wear a mask when you’re out. And if you haven’t voted yet, vote as early as you can… Make sure your vote counts.