Back out front this morning. Another June morning that feels like it should be in August. The temperature is 87°, the humidity is 86%. In the state of Texas is still suffering through the unreliability of our electrical grid. ERCOT such an oxymoronic name for an industry backed panel whose…
Wordless Wednesday
I decided to step out on the front porch this morning. Where the heat and humidity doesn't feel quite as oppressive... Though the numbers are pretty much the same on both sides of the house. It's 77° out this morning, the humidity is at 90%. And, the temperature expected to…
Looking at the photos above gives you a pretty good idea of what's happening in the atmosphere. We sit on the northwest corner of a massive clouds rolling out into the gulf. So to the east in the first picture it's full on overcast. To the south in the middle…
Not quite so warm, not quite so humid. It's 79° with a humidity of 88%, the day isn't quite as oppressive as the past few. And there are clouds building in with a promise of a 30 plus percent precipitation. Of course, by afternoon when the temperature tops 95° oppressive…
Another warm and humid morning. The summer doldrums have set in. Mornings start out in the '80s while humidity hovers around 90%. It really is time to hang in the coolness of the air conditioned house. In my youth these were the days to enjoy that summer job at the…
It's a bit warmer, but not quite so humid this morning. It's 83°, The humidity is just 77%. I thought I would walk out on the front porch this morning. I haven't done this in quite a while. Coffee muses on the front porch. But, with summer reaching it's early…
It's not quite as warm as yesterday but the humidity is higher. It's 77° with a 95% humidity. The humidity is so high you can see it... There's a slight fog hanging over the landscape. Well, my quiet week at home is winding down. Tomorrow will bring the grandkids home...…
Wordless Wednesday
Another warm and humid morning... The temperature is already 80°, the humidity is at 88%. It's one of those mornings that when you walk outside you have to wipe the condensation off your glasses... twice. It looks like we'll manage to get another day of no rain. At least if…
Well we've reached the milestone... It's 80° and 89% humidity to start the day. The sky is cloudy, and there's a slight, very very slight breeze. And so, summer begin s with a vengeance. I have an early doctor's appointment this morning... I guess early is relative. I have to…
Stepping out this morning wasn't pleasant. With a temperature of 78°and a humidity of 87% it felt too warm and too muggy for early June. One of the first things I saw this morning on my WordPress app was a happy anniversary note. It seems this is my 14th anniversary…
Looks like the rains of yesterday will continue into today. At least the temperatures down a few degrees. It's 73°, in the humidity is it 95% as a wide range falls outside. I see from the news reporting that ex-president Trump is telling those around him that the supreme Court…
These clear sunny mornings sure don't end up that way. Yesterday is clear morning was mostly cloudy before noon. But I was all the range managed to miss us. Once again it's 76° outside, though the humidity is only 84%... It's a veritable desert for this part of the country.…
It's the start of another month. But, it's the same old same old when it comes to weather. Overcast, looking very rainy, warm, muggy, just plain depressing looking. The temperature this morning is 76 degrees. The humidity is at a stomping 92%. Welcome to Southeast Texas in summer. I saw…
It's already warm outside, 76°. The humidity is high as it is every morning. And really, there's not much of a breeze blowing at all... For a change. And it's Memorial Day... In a way it's a sad day. A day of reflection. A day of looking back and where…
Friday night brought a horrendous lightning storm over our house which took the power away just before midnight. The power was out all night and didn't come back on until almost 7:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. So my muse yesterday was non-existent almost like my sleep the night before. I…
Another warm and muggy morning. More clouds out than yesterday. But the sun is breaking through here and there. The temperature was 75° and I'm sure the humidity is pushing 90%. But there's no wind... Not a breeze... Not a stirring to move the leaves. Today is the last day…
Isn't a pleasant morning out this a.m. The temperature is 75°, but the humidity is 92%. It's like walking with a warm wet blanket wrapped around your body. Add to that, but the buzz of mosquitoes is almost louder than the morning bird song and all is not right with…
OMG... I see blue up in the sky. For the first time in what seems like weeks, we are not totally overcast. Though, truth be told, it's still warm and humid... 74°. Not my favorite place to start the day on the temperature scale. On a secondary note... The mosquitoes…
They're slight evidence this morning that the sun actually does exist. Though, it's warm and humid, at 74 degrees this morning it isn't very pleasant out. The 10-day forecast still has us under a threat of precipitation for the next 3 days... At least for now. And the temperatures are…
Another warm and muggy morning. Overcast, with evidence of overnight rain on the ground as puddles. It's a warm feeling 73°. And the Gulf moisture keeps streaming up over southeast Texas. Luckily, by yesterday morning the low that had a chance of forming into a storm and the gulf had…
I was busy with busyness this morning. I took my shots but didn't sit and muse... So here's the pictures.
Another, in a long line of other, overcast start to the day. The morning temperature is 72°. And it's quite humid outside, which is only to be expected after the rains for the past week. The weather prognosticators are hinting that a tropical system may form in the Gulf off…
Happy Birthday Sis It was a wild and stormy night, thunder rumbled and lightning flash ed almost all of it. Just as it seemed the thunder and lightning show was over, just as I would begin to drift off to sleep again, thunder would boom and rumble... It's still lightly…
It's 68° and raining. Thunderstorms are moving through the area... And according to all the forecasts they will be all week. Yesterday was rainy off and on, Sunday was rainy almost all day, and from the looks of the radar today will be a wet one. But hey, my laundry…
After slowly raining all day yesterday today is warm and muggy. The temperature right now at 9:00 a.m. is 77°. It's still mostly cloudy and it's predicted to rain most of the day... Or at least there is a chance of thunderstorms most of the day. Once again the wife…
The temperature this morning is 74°. A very light, light rain is falling. From watching the radar the rain will be getting heavier through the morning. There is a frog singing to the rain somewhere close. And off in the distance the gentle sounds of roosters talking amongst themselves. The…
The coffeepot was still brewing when I came out... The back porch is pleasantly cool, the sun is bright, and the sky is clear. I have even turned the ceiling fans on... Way down low... Just to move the air around a little between breezes. My granddaughter brought me my…