June 6th, Sunday

Stepping out this morning wasn’t pleasant. With a temperature of 78°and a humidity of 87% it felt too warm and too muggy for early June.

One of the first things I saw this morning on my WordPress app was a happy anniversary note. It seems this is my 14th anniversary of signing up for a blog on WordPress.com. That’s a whole lot of muses scattered over the head full of years. That stretches all the way back into my working years.

As I think back… Even the dreams I dreamed as I’m mused my mornings away, were different back then. My dreams of retirement all lead to the mountains of North Carolina in the day. That dream has pretty much different way to the reality of my life.

So, on that note I think I will continue musing about life and dreams and reality…

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray…