June 17th, Thursday

Back out front this morning. Another June morning that feels like it should be in August. The temperature is 87°, the humidity is 86%.

In the state of Texas is still suffering through the unreliability of our electrical grid. ERCOT such an oxymoronic name for an industry backed panel whose real purpose is to guarantee the profits of the electric generating industry. And since we all know (don’t we?) that climate change is a left-wing conspiracy… And it’s having absolutely no effect on the weather extremes we are experiencing… Right? It only follows, that since we don’t depend on electricity to live, that it’s absolutely okay to allow the very industry itself to not regulate itself as it sees fit… Right? I mean, that’s what it seems like the state of Texas is saying isn’t it?

Make no mistake, the state of the power grid is a political failure of major proportions. The danger that extreme cold posed to the grid was first presented to lawmakers in 2011, in a 357-page report by federal regulators. Yet lawmakers didn’t mandate any of the changes because they didn’t want to interfere in the markets or discomfit any campaign contributors. Similarly, state leaders have refused to require generating reserves in case of emergency, choosing to let private actors alone set the demands for generating capacity. Our state leaders’ devotion to purported free-market “solutions” borders on religious fervor. 

What Is Wrong With the Texas Grid? Texas Monthly

But with all of this going on, the governor of Texas is holding press conferences to announce that the state of Texas will build Trump’s border wall. Ain’t that just great… With all the things the state of Texas can’t afford to do it’s going to build a monument to Trumpistan.

You know, it would almost be funny, but Republicans ineptitude at governing, it’s not a credible proof that government doesn’t work. It’s just proof that inept government can be made to seem like all government doesn’t work.

Enough with the political rant I’ve said all I want to say today about the state of the state of Texas. P e r i o d.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation and the world… And had a good word or two for the state of Texas. It could really use the help.