Wednesday, 19th of May

Happy Birthday Sis

It was a wild and stormy night, thunder rumbled and lightning flash ed almost all of it. Just as it seemed the thunder and lightning show was over, just as I would begin to drift off to sleep again, thunder would boom and rumble…

It’s still lightly raining outside. Though the temperature is a pleasant 66°. But, since rain has fallen for so many days in a row the yard is saturated and the rain that fell last night is standing everywhere. The low part of the driveway is completely covered. Luckily, even then it’s not deep… less than half a foot of water at its deepest.

The prognosticators are foretelling of a few more days of this pattern. But the current of moist air causing all of the rain will eventually drift a bit to the west. But only time will tell…

It’s my sister Sandy’s birthday today. My oldest sibling. Happy birthday sis… I hope you enjoy this repeat of the big 3 0.

Would the weather be and what it is, I’d really like to just hunker down today. And I suppose I can after I run my daughter to get her second vaccination this morning.

I have to say, I really love the app. Watching the long term movement of storms both in radar format and satellite images is mesmerizing. If you haven’t checked it out yet you really should, especially if you like following the weather.

Oh well, time to muse on… Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation and the world.

Stay dry and enjoy this middle of the week not so wordless Wednesday.