Tuesday It's just another midsummer laundry day here. But all of the cars are home for the day, which in and of itself is quite unusual. It's hot. It's humid. At least it's not overcast, though I'm sure showers will appear. All in all it's another good day to chill…
Sunday Yesterday it was an interesting day. There was this big white orb up in the sky, an unfamiliar presence. It was bright, it gave off heat, it hadn't been noticed for a while. I think it was the Sun. But I woke up this morning to more clouds... And…
Friday And the rains continue... It's a pleasant 73° on the front porch this morning. And yes, the humidity is high, but what do you expect when it's raining. And the range just keep on falling. We had a small murder of crows on the front on yesterday. I've been…
Thursday Last night, or actually very, very early this morning, the line of thunderstorms moved through dropping a nice amount of rain but more importantly, knocking out our power... Again. I think this year will go down in our personal history books as the year the Texas power grid failed…
Tuesday It feels cooler out this morning... Maybe because it is just a few degrees. With the temperature at 76° and the humidity at 90%. It's surprising the difference 3° in temperature can make. Thunderstorms move through the area after 2:00 a.m. this morning. The rumble of thunder off in…
Monday The temperature this morning is almost 80°, the humidity is above 90%. And with all that being said, my allergies are acting up. Par for the course for July and Texas on the Gulf Coast. I see the business across the road is not giving their employees a holiday…
Independence Day Sunday Another warm and humid morning. Overcast with high clouds. Not a breath of a breeze. The weather sure not right for celebration. It has that Sunday quiet working. When you had independence day to that Sunday quiet, you get a lot fewer traffic sounds from the bypass.…
Saturday The sun was just peeking over the horizon as I stepped out this morning. At 77 degrees it wasn't too summery to feel oppressive. It's rather quiet out this morning. The house is sleeping... Along with everyone in it. But the coffee maker has made coffee and I feel…
Friday Once again the day starts off with blue skies. Almost cloudless blue skies. It's warm and it's humid. But it's not the summertime slap you in the face, oh my God hot it will be. Here's the morning read on the weather... Pretty much par for the course this…
Thursday The sun is out this morning, and it's warm, and it's humid. There's not much breeze blowing. But, the birds are singing. The cicadas haven't woken up really. And I just pulled the garbage bin to the road... The weather pattern this last week has been strange. Blue skies…
Well it's not too warm yet this morning, 78°... Though it is fairly humid, we've already had showers move through the area and water stands on the driveway. According to the morning prognosticators foretelling there is still above 50% chance of rain today into this afternoon. There's almost the same…
There's a light rain falling. The temperature is 75°. That's the coolest I felt outside in a month or so. A person could learn to really like summertime temperatures like this. Looking at the prognosticators foretelling a future weather, I see a change from last evenings Oracle like ramblings... Today's…
Laying about this morning, in no hurry to get out of bed. Sunday morning sleeping in... But, once I do step out this summer day is fully sprung. It's 83°, and the humidity is 81%. Not obnoxiously summer, but summer just the same. It's going to be a long, long…
It doesn't feel as impressive today, mostly due to a lower humidity. The temperature is 83 degrees, and the humidity the pleasant 78%. I'm waiting for the coffee to brew. So this will not be very long... as a matter of fact it'll be very short. So y'all stay safe,…
It's another hot muggy morning. My weather app tells me it is 81° outside. It also tells me that it feels like 91° because the humidity is 83%. Whatever the reason, after I snap to my pictures and came back inside only to discover the third one was a really…
When I walked out this morning to take the garbage to the road it was muggy. The temperature was 80° but the humidity... My, my, my... The humidity was 93%. Welcome to my world... Summer on the Southeast Texas Gulf Coast. Is there any reason to not understand why I…
Wordless Wednesday
Thunder and lightning moved through earlier, so even now a singular rumble of thunder moves across the landscape. But funny thing, no rain fell. The driveway is dry. At least the temperature is down and the upper 70s for a change. Though I'm sure, the humidity is still high. And…
Stepping out on the front porch this morning I find the temperature in the humidity almost the same. While the temperature may be higher at 83°, when you factor in the humidity at 81% it's just... Summer in Texas. Yesterday was the first time in many years that all four…
Father's Day
It's a warm 76° outside. The humidity is a not so frightful 78%. The forecast is calling for a high today in the low 90s with a slight chance of afternoon showers. Just another summer's day in paradise. I find myself at a loss for words today. So I think…
Back out front this morning. Another June morning that feels like it should be in August. The temperature is 87°, the humidity is 86%. In the state of Texas is still suffering through the unreliability of our electrical grid. ERCOT such an oxymoronic name for an industry backed panel whose…
Wordless Wednesday
I decided to step out on the front porch this morning. Where the heat and humidity doesn't feel quite as oppressive... Though the numbers are pretty much the same on both sides of the house. It's 77° out this morning, the humidity is at 90%. And, the temperature expected to…
Looking at the photos above gives you a pretty good idea of what's happening in the atmosphere. We sit on the northwest corner of a massive clouds rolling out into the gulf. So to the east in the first picture it's full on overcast. To the south in the middle…
Not quite so warm, not quite so humid. It's 79° with a humidity of 88%, the day isn't quite as oppressive as the past few. And there are clouds building in with a promise of a 30 plus percent precipitation. Of course, by afternoon when the temperature tops 95° oppressive…
Another warm and humid morning. The summer doldrums have set in. Mornings start out in the '80s while humidity hovers around 90%. It really is time to hang in the coolness of the air conditioned house. In my youth these were the days to enjoy that summer job at the…
It's a bit warmer, but not quite so humid this morning. It's 83°, The humidity is just 77%. I thought I would walk out on the front porch this morning. I haven't done this in quite a while. Coffee muses on the front porch. But, with summer reaching it's early…