June 28th, Monday

There’s a light rain falling. The temperature is 75°. That’s the coolest I felt outside in a month or so. A person could learn to really like summertime temperatures like this.

Looking at the prognosticators foretelling a future weather, I see a change from last evenings Oracle like ramblings… Today’s chance of precipitation has dropped to just 24% even though the training now. While the overnight chance has climbed to 58% and tomorrow’s chance is now at 87%. So whatever rain patterns the prognosticators were seeing yesterday they have now backed those patterns up at least a half a day.

But looking at the radar and the satellite images, there’s a whole lot of moisture out in the gulf and a big chunk of it is starting to sit right on top of me.

Well I really don’t have anything else to talk about today… So I guess I’ll just say, y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation and the world. Enjoy the new week.