The 1st of July, 2021


The sun is out this morning, and it’s warm, and it’s humid. There’s not much breeze blowing. But, the birds are singing. The cicadas haven’t woken up really. And I just pulled the garbage bin to the road…

The weather pattern this last week has been strange. Blue skies and sunshine followed by rain showers. Actually, now that I think about it, there’s not much strange about that at all… it’s pretty much a normal coastal summer weather pattern. It seems as if each day leads to a small intense shower at some point during the day. They don’t last long, they do put a fairly large amount of rain out in their shorts lifespan. And then the sun comes back out.

I can remember, way, way back when I first got a real job that the weather pattern was a lot like this. It was the summer of ’73 maybe ’74… And every day, right as you would get off work, right during Houston rush hour, it would start raining… Every single day for what seemed like the entire summer. Every… Single… Day…

Rush hour on Houston freeways in the 1970s with rain showers falling all around you. It made you wonder what was going on.

Since historically this is the first month, down here anyway, that the heat of summer really settles in, and we’ve already had a couple of months of quite warm… Oh hell, just call it hot… weather. I find myself wondering what the next three months are going to be like.

Welcome to July…

Well the coffee cup is empty so, y’all stay safe, y’all stay healthy, y’all pray for the world, the nation, and the state of Texas… The summer heat is raising the amount of craziness in the world.