The sky is blue, the sun is up, and it's 42°. Welcome to the start of the week. The grandkids have caught their buses. I'm back in my chair. I'm ready to get on with my day. I spent my weekend meandering through the archives of the Redtree Times, GC…
Sunday morning, sunny and 52°. Not a cloud in the sky. Just a hint of a breeze. It's funny the only hint of green on the ground is next door where the grass burned. Everywhere else it's as brown as I've ever seen it. We just aren't used to day…
It's a bit cloudy out this morning. It's a cool 53°. And there's a bit of breeze blowing. I was laying in bed awake prior to the alarm going off. So after turning the alarm off, I decided I might as well get out of bed. So I was able…
It's overcast outside, 58°. Sometime today, the prognosticators are predicting a 50% chance of precipitation. From the looks of the clouds, they will probably be right. Once again the birds are celebrating the feeling of spring in the air. Filling the air with their song. I noticed yesterday that the…
Sunrise is earlier and earlier each day... At least for another week or so, then it's spring forward. Temperature this morning is 41°. Cold enough to see your breath, but not cold enough for a jacket... At least not if you're just walking to the car. The birds seem to…
Wordless Wednesday
The ground is soggy, water standing everywhere from the overnight rain. We've slipped back into our normal winter weather. It's 49° outside. Not only does it have the feel of winter, it has the look too. Even the traffic on the road, as we waited for the buses, was moving…
It's foggy out this morning. And with the temperature at 70° with the forecast for it to fall until tomorrow morning, it should be an interesting and wet day. The kids have departed on their buses. I've started my third cup of coffee. The house is quiet. But, outside on…
It's misty out this morning... 69°and damp. We haven't seen but glimpses of the sun in days and days. Ever since that week of freezes, the Earth is visibly browner. The grass, the shrubs, even some trees, have all taken on that seared look. Yesterday I saw pictures on that…
It's 69° outside this morning. And the skies are cloudy. Birds are playing. Winds are blowing. What a winter we are having. I've been catching some of the political arguments going on. Can't say I'm impressed by the strength of the Republican angst. Complaining about someone's tweets after having to…
It's much warmer this morning than it was even yesterday. First trip out to the bus stop it was 64°. It's another cloudy day with a chance of rain. Even with all the clouds, the temperature should push into the mid-70s. When I walked out this morning, it was crows…
From the deep freeze of winter, to pleasant mornings of spring, the temperature this morning is 55°. The forecast high for today is 71°. That means by early afternoon the temperature on my back porch with the sun shining down should reach almost 80°. Life in my little piece of…
Winter has decided to move back north and let some spring in the air... The temperature this morning is 56°. It should be 70° on the back porch by the afternoon. That's pretty much what the rest of the week is going to look like, at least according to the…
It's frosty out this morning. A cool 28°. A beautiful cloudless winter morning. The yard is probably the brownest I can recall seeing in a couple of decades. I can't recall this many consecutive days of below freezing weather. It's funny how I haven't felt the need to sit out…
It's 10:00 a.m. and 38° outside. The one result surviving the rolling blackouts is that we're sleeping later each morning. I can't go on for long, school will start again on Monday. But even going to bed at a normal time finds us dragging out of bed at a non-normal…
Working on our third day of rolling blackouts. I don't think they figured out how to make the blackouts roll though. We've had two periods of power each 30 minutes long one on Monday, one on Wednesday. The tough part right now is that you can't buy gas get by…
I woke up this morning due to the chill in the air in the house. Overnight, the house is temperature had dropped to 58°. Not bad, compared to some of my neighbors, one of whom reported last night on Facebook that her house was at 47°. Compared to the outside…
It's 18° outside, a wintry mix off and on overnight. And that's what it looks like out the front window by the door. The power went off about 2:30. About 6:00 it came on again, for about 45 minutes. It's off again now. The state electricity board has us on…
Valentine's Day It's chilly outside, and only going to get colder. We're looking at some kind of frozen precipitation overnight. Weather underground just say it'll be snow in the morning. We'll just have to wait and see. I had to put the blinds down on the living room. The crazy…
It's 36° and chilly with a wind chill in the mid twenties. The countdown is on for the coming winter storm. Everyday that goes by, the forecast below for Monday night drops a little lower. As of right now it's set at 13°. Now that is very, very cold for…
Baby it's cold outside... 37° at 7:30 a.m., there's a steady wind blowing, and a lot of moisture in the air. All day yesterday, where the forecast called for rising temperatures, that kept falling. Forecasted low last night was only 40°. It's below that now. The forecast says it's going…
There was a low rumble of thunder outside as my alarm went off this morning. by the time the grandkids were up and eating breakfast rain was falling. It's a cool, wet, winter's day, heading towards the heaviest shot of winter weather we've had all season. The weather gurus are…
Dense fog this morning has turned the world into mostly shades of gray. And with a moderate 63° outside air temperature, it's really hard to anticipate the low 30s the prognosticators are foretelling for the end of the week. Well I took my birthday road trip yesterday, and I must…
It's another spring like morning in the middle of winter. It's already pushing 60°. It looks like we have three maybe four days of this before went to returns. I think I feel the need for a road trip, a birthday road trip, just delayed by a couple of days.…
Why is it that when it looks like winter it feels like spring, and when it looks like spring it feels like winter. The conundrum of Texas gulf coast weather... It's bright and sunny out today. It's also breezy. And when the temperature is 42°, breezy's pretty cold. I missed…
It's not very cool out, just 56°. But it's quite windy, and misting a bit of rain. The wind chimes on the front porch have been making a racket all morning long. The prognosticators have placed the chance of rain at 60% today. Driving out to wait for the bus,…
It's definitely not chilly today. The temperature this morning before sunup was 64°. Clouds are moving back in from the gulf. The prognosticators are foretellingof a good chance of rain today and tonight... We'll have to see. I've been seeing Robin's fly around in the early morning light. I've seen…
It was a chill 40° this morning, with a bit of do on the car and the grass. And, a very, very beautiful sunrise. The grandkids are on the buses, the first load of laundry is in the wash, my second cup of coffee is gone. And it's not even…
Happy Birthday Abby It's chilly this morning, and there's a bit of a breeze blowing, but it'll warm up some by afternoon. Sitting at the bus stop, the temperature on the car dashboard is 44°. The wait with one grandchild is what it takes to warm the car. The second…