March 8, Monday

The sky is blue, the sun is up, and it’s 42°. Welcome to the start of the week.

The grandkids have caught their buses. I’m back in my chair. I’m ready to get on with my day.

I spent my weekend meandering through the archives of the Redtree Times, GC Myers daily blog. I started all the way back in 2008 and worked my way through 2009. Explored a lot of images of his paintings that I hadn’t seen before. Checking out how his vision has evolved. For the life of me, I can’t understand the way his art speaks to me… But it does.

I also found myself agreeing with Senator Joe Machine of WV about the fillibuster. Senators should have to work for it. They should have to take the floor, and speak as long as they want the filibuster to last. And then there should be a vote, a simple majority vote. These filibusters that are nothing but a signature saying they want to filibuster and stopping everything from happening forever more on that bill are pardon my French BS. This whole system of making every bill have to pass the 60 vote test has stopped anything from getting done in this country. It’s time to end it.

Another thing that happened this weekend… The windows across the back of the house were all open letting the spring-like air fill the house. I have a feeling they will stay open most of the week as the days warm up. But they won’t be staying open as the night’s cool down.

It’s time to head off into email land… So, y’all stay safe, stay healthy, pray for the nation… And the world. Keep wearing your mask no matter what are less than brilliant governors might say.

Enjoy this second week of March.