February 15th, Monday

It’s 18° outside, a wintry mix off and on overnight. And that’s what it looks like out the front window by the door. The power went off about 2:30. About 6:00 it came on again, for about 45 minutes. It’s off again now.

The state electricity board has us on rolling blackouts, supposedly for 45 minutes at a time. But as usual, these rolling blackouts usually last for five six hours. It looks like we’re going to now get rolling lights on. It could be an interesting, in the Chinese definition of the word, couple of days.

So here we sit in a dark house as the day finally brightens outside. My little over 3 hours of sleep last night is already running out.

I find myself really thankful for the extra insulation I had put into this house when we built it. But listening to the wind blow, with wind chills in the single digits, I wonder how long the temperature is going to hold.

So y’all stay safe, stay healthy, try to stay warm, and pray for the nation and the world.

I would say have a great day… I would… But I don’t know that that’s applicable today.

8 thoughts on “February 15th, Monday

  1. You’re actually colder than us today! We’re expecting a foot of snow, however, so I am not doing a celebratory dance or anything. Stay warm, Gary. Spring will be here soon.

    1. The projected low is for 12° tonight. That’s an unheard of temperature for this neck of the woods. Our powers been out now for 12 hours and counting. they’re talking about it being tomorrow before it gets turned back on. Thank God for the fireplace.

  2. We’re at 18F, too. We had about a hour of nice snow between 7 and 8, but now the skies are lightening up a bit, and I suspect it won’t be long until it starts to clear. No warm up, though. It’s going to be a long day for some people without power — like you. I must say, I’ve never seen such whining as on some of the threads related to rolling blackouts. Of course it’s a pain and even dangerous, but the number of people worried that the food in the fridge is bad after five hours without power? They could put it outside, where it’s colder than their freezers!

    1. Linda, I don’t understand it. Every time we have rolling blackouts Texas New Mexico power can’t seem to figure out what rolling is. Our power always stays off for the duration iand sadly, The duration on this one seems to be tomorrow noonish. It’s going to be an interesting experience to say the least. Stay warm and I’ll catch you on the other side.

        1. The problems have been around for decades. No body in Texas ever plans for cold weather. I remember the same thing happening in the 1980’s. Power plants shutting down because their water pipes weren’t insulated to handle temperatures in the teens…

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