friday I got to sleep in a little this morning... There's no school today and Monday for some reason. I still managed to beat the sun up though. It's reasonably cool this morning. Not that it won't be summertime warm by afternoon... I'm having a bit of a strange breakfast…
thursday On the front porch again. And it's actually getting darker as a cool front blows through the area. Off to the north and east thunder rumbles. Hopefully, the grandkids will get on the bus before it decides to rain. Last evening before sunset we had a relatively small thunderstorm…
wordless wednesday
tuesday Sunrise today was impressive... Just enough clouds to give it some color... The guys over at Space City Weather her promising that this will be the end of our 90° plus daytime highs. Here's a weak cool front headed our way this week followed by a stronger one next…
monday There's a train going by as I sit on the front porch waiting for the school bus. It's so much louder now that the entirety of the construction site has been cleared of trees. 105 acres denuded. Now that the train has gone by, The sounds of construction have…
saturday Every week or so I get an email from my congresscriter... Every email has a poll at the end, This particular poll question has shown up fairly regularly. It really makes me mad every time I see it because I can't think of a single American who could answer…
friday Just another fine fall morning... That's all for me... Have a great weekend.
thursday Out on the front porch this morning waiting for the school bus. It's bright, it's cool, there's even a hummingbird at the feeder. Traffic sounds are loud. Beep beep beep of the construction critters cuts the morning air. Vehicles speed by on the road in front of the house...…
wordless wednesday
tuesday The sky was changing rapidly as the sun was rising this morning... The sweep of color moved from one side to the other in a matter of minutes. Once again the path of the sun has transited the house. Rising in the front in summer... It has now switched…
monday The pleasant fall temperatures are holding this morning. And while it isn't in the low 50's, the upper 50's are nice enough. Moisture is beginning to work it's way back into the atmosphere in the form of high lite clouds. So far October is turning out to be a…
sunday I was up early this morning... I took these shots... then I forgot to post them... Oh well...
saturday, International Coffee Day It's a pleasant 58° outside at 8:00 a.m. ... And that's all I feel the need to say today
It's Friday, the end of September. For the very first time in a long time, the temperature this morning is in the '50s. And the forecast is for a couple of more days of these sweet lows... I even have a window open letting some of the fresh air... Cool…
It's Thursday These mornings are so appreciated after our never-ending summer. Starting temperatures below seventy are what I base my definition of a pleasant day... Add in a nice northerly breeze and it couldn't get much better. The Space City Weather guys are promising more of the same for the…
Wordless Wednesday
It's Tuesday It's a beautiful fall morning. A pleasant 62° under faultless blue skies. Damn, it's about time... There are no fans needed on the front porch this morning. It actually feels quite nice. We're well into the second wave of hummingbirds. But I don't doubt that they will be…
It's Monday The still before the storm... Well, at least the steel before the front. It's warm out, they're reporting that it's 76° this morning. That's warm, really warm to start the day. Though the prognosticators are promising a fairly radical change overnight. Tomorrow's low is projected to be 63°.…
It's Friday As I was sitting here reading and contemplating the changing of the seasons this song came up in my rotation... Ever since I discovered Eva Cassidy I have been in love with her voice. But, truth be told it's not just her voice that's so special... there…
It's Thursday The morning is quieter. Our great migration of hummingbirds has migrated. No more battles royale all day long. Even the Cardinals seem a bit bemused by the absence. The morning traffic continues to become worse in front of the house. With all of the homes being built and…
Wordless Wednesday
It's Tuesday It's another late summer morning in Southeast Texas. A lite mist hugs the ground. Not a breeze is stirring... Except around the wings of the hummingbirds. And... On that note... I'll catch you on the other side.
It's Monday From a seared brown to an Irish green in less than a month. While the scattered rains have barely fallen on us The last couple of weeks, we've had enough rain this month to bring the green back to the yard... Also back for another year is the…
It's Saturday Yesterday's email brought the latest propaganda piece from my Congress-critter, as Molly liked to identify them. And Troy E. Nehls, Member of Congress for my district, as he does every week ended his MAGA approved puff piece with a survey... A bit of history here about his surveys...…
It's Tuesday I find myself enjoying my musical journey more and more. Shannon McNally showed up in my rotation the other day. I only have one of her songs in my library and I didn't recall hearing it before... But something in her voice grabbed me and made me…
It's Friday I've noticed a change in the light this past week. And this morning, there's a change in the feel of the air. And the prognosticators have foretold of a low temperature tonight that actually falls into the '60s... Like almost anyone in the world with access to any…
Between 2:30pm and 3:15pm Friday 2.25" of rain fell.
It's Wordless Wednesday
It's Tuesday Walking through the office this morning I spotted the Audubon calendar that came in the mail yesterday. I immediately had a memory flash. My Grandpa Sewell had one of those very large give me calendars that he got from the local grocer or the feed store hanging on…
It's Friday Today is the opening of GC Myers' solo show at the West End Gallery. The show is called "Chaos & Light". The title of this year’s edition of my annual solo exhibit at the West End Gallery is Chaos & Light. This will be my 21st solo outing at…