october eighth


Every week or so I get an email from my congresscriter… Every email has a poll at the end, This particular poll question has shown up fairly regularly. It really makes me mad every time I see it because I can’t think of a single American who could answer this question in the negative. It doesn’t matter which side of the political spectrum you are on… You have to look at what is happening in our country and wonder what the hell! If you are a Republican, President Biden is leading us off a cliff. If you are a Democrat, the Supremes have gone batshit crazy… If you claim to be an Independent, you have to be pissed off at both ends of the spectrum for letting it get so f****d up.

So, when my congresscriter asks questions like this I really feel cheated by the American System… And our education system!

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and say a prayer for our dysfunctional country and the world… I’ll catch y’all on the other side…