october seventeenth


It’s comfortable out… And breezy… And from the forecast, the temperature is only going to rise a few degrees before it starts to fall again. I think I can really say, fall has arrived.

Evidently, the front has already passed through my area. What with the strong breeze out of the north northeast. The Red oak is dancing in the wind. And the wind is singing in the pine trees.

Has the sky to the east slowly brightens, taking on color as the clouds rush by to the south… I am actually enjoying sitting on the back porch for a change.

Since I wasn’t planning to stay out here this morning I failed to bring out my coffee. So… I’ll beginning to think it’s time to wander in and have that first sip…

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and say a prayer for our dysfunctional country and the world… I’ll catch y’all on the other side…