It's all about the humidity, as I discovered two years ago in Carlsbad Caverns... morning coffee muses.
Hot and humid followed by more of the same... then repeat... morning coffee muses.
It's not the heat outside of a morning, it's the humidity... The indoor/outdoor thermometer in the bathroom says it's one degree cooler outside on this morning coffee muses.
Condensation on my glasses when I walked out, but none on the windows... it's a warm morning coffee muses.
It's warm out, but not as warm as inside this day... The I think I need a few more box fans morning coffee muses.
The humidity was like a slap in the face walking out this morning, too hot to be considered just warm... front porch coffee muses.
Another warm start to a summer's day... we're halfway through July for this morning coffee muses.
Hot and humid, not even the fan can cut the heat and humidity, Sunday morning coffee muses.
On the front porch listening to a mockingbird on this morning coffee muses.
Warm and a bit humid, mostly clear skies at this time... Summer's Morning Coffee Muses.
The air is full of birdsong, the humidity isn't quite as high... but, it's still warm for my morning coffee muses.
You can see the humidity, though the temperature seems to be a bit cooler for this morning coffee muses.
Another warm and humid, clear blue sky, morning coffee muses.
The humidity is up, my glasses needed wiping as soon as I walked out... another morning coffee muses.
Mostly Cloudy this morning, raining off Galveston... a pleasant morning coffee muses.
Not too warm, not too humid... quiet Saturday morning coffee muses. Birds are singing, thunderclouds are building up on the horizon, there's a nice breeze blowing... all in all it's a beautiful morning. I managed to get my meditations done yesterday. From now on though, they will no longer be…
It feels nice, not too warm, not too humid... a beautiful summer's morning coffee muses.
It's sunny once more, the crickets are louder than the cicadas, and the forecast is for more rain... summer morning coffee muses.
The fireworks are early, lightning flashes and thunder booms on this gloomy morning coffee muses.
Ninety-three percent humidity, over eighty degrees already... it's not a pleasant morning coffee muses.
No clouds obstruct the seamless blue of the summer sky on this morning coffee muses.
It's perfect grass growing season, hot and humid with weekly showers... July's first morning coffee muses.
Condensation on my glasses, condensation on my tablet... just another summer morning coffee muses.
It feels cooler, which means it's probably not quite as humid... for this end of week, almost end of month morning coffee muses.
It's cool in front of the floor fan, the wind chill effect, on this morning coffee muses.
Once again, condensation is on the windows for another morning coffee muses.
Oppressive humidity to start this morning coffee muses.
It feels a tad cooler today, no condensation on the windows either... a Monday morning coffee muses.
The humidity is down, but it's still warm and sticky out, on this dragonfly filled morning coffee muses.
High humidity, but, not as warm for this sunny weekend morning coffee muses.