Wordless Wednesday
It's Monday It was too warm, too humid, too still... Visiting the back porch this morning was a thing to do, but not a thing to drag out or to enjoy. The temperature at 78°, when added to the 93% humidity just doesn't invite you to sit and visit. So…
It's Thursday Looking to the east there's a haze in the air. That's the humidity back this morning. According to the weather app, it's at 96%. Though happily, the temperature is only at 77°. After the last week, that's pretty amazing. There are definitely some happy crickets in the grass…
It's Tuesday There are heavy clouds to the east this morning. I'm sure they won't last. I'm sure they're not bringing any rain. I've been trying to post to my site since shortly after 8:00 a.m. . It's now 11:30 a.m. and due to intermittent outages with my web server,…
It's Sunday And, it's still hot out. It looks like it's going to stay that way for the foreseeable future. So I'll be spending most of my time in the indoor environment in comfort...
It's Friday Hello... So says my granddaughters chalk art on the back porch when I walked out. She's been busy out there covering quite a bit of the porch with her chalk art. Though when I walked out I wasn't paying much attention to the ground beneath my feet. I…
It's Tuesday Even though the sun's just up, the thermometer is already reading 79°. So, this muse will be short... I hear a red tail hawk calling in the edge of the woods. Other than that, it's pretty quiet out. Yes there are the normal Cardinals singing. And there's a…
Friday It's bright out this morning. The sun is shining on a freshly washed world. The showers that were predicted for yesterday evening actually showed up. They weren't large, the duration of the rain was fairly short, but, while it lasted it was fairly heavy. Though the sound and light…
Wordless Wednesday
Thursday It's a gorgeous, almost perfect, spring-like morning. The temperature is 62°. The skies are cloudless and blue. The birds are singing. And the sun is rising. It only takes a very little effort to tune out the outside world on a morning like today. But it does take effort.…
Monday It's overcast this morning. I'm pleasantly cool on the front porch with just a bit of humidity in the air from the rain yesterday morning. Once again the morning is filled with the call of the construction wildlife. A piercing beep, beep, beep, beep as the vehicle's on the…
Thursday Happy birthday sis... Sitting on the front porch, between buses, I am still not used to the view that takes me all the way to the traffic on the bypass. The land clearing has now reached the property lines at the back of the houses and businesses across the…
Wordless Wednesday
Monday It's a breezy, mockingbird morning. A little two-seater sports car just tried to hit 65 mph down my little two lane road. It's already warm out. My phone says it's 79° already... And truthfully, it feels at least that warm. I'm sitting on the front porch once more, waiting…
Friday There is a bit of ground fog this morning. We had a great light show last night as the front moved through. It was one of the better thunder and lightning events of the year. And... I woke up to an empty house this morning. The daughter and grandkids…
Tuesday That's overcast and cool this morning. A slight breeze is blowing... I don't have much to say this morning so I won't say anything else... Have a great day and I'll catch you on the other side.
Friday Another overcast day in southeast Texas. It's already 74°. Headed up to 83 today... The forecast says it's only supposed to be partly cloudy today. I'm sure the sun will come out sometime. But with the temperatures being where they are, I'm in no hurry to see the sun.…
Thursday Back home after a week and a day in the hospital. I was actually out of it for a little longer than that, but most of my issues are behind me now. I'll let it go at that... I almost missed the last of the greening out of my…
Tuesday The temperature outside this morning is 69°. The sky is overcast. A slight breeze is blowing.
Thursday It's another cool morning. With totally clear skies, a moon hanging above the pines... Maybe I should say half a moon. According to the wunderground, temperatures in the lower 40s... Windy.com though is calling it the low 50s. After visiting the outside, I think I agree with the wunderground...…
Tuesday Waiting for the storm... https://youtu.be/QTZDCmksz_s And in less than an hour... It's done!
Monday afternoon The day started out in the upper 60s... It's now in the mid '70s. It's misted rain all day long. The prognosticators are foretelling of an overnight low in the upper 50s where the rain in the forecast. Tomorrow's high should be about the same as today. But…
Sunday afternoon It's cool and breezy out today. I'm on the back porch again with my Kindle. Y'all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for our dysfunctional nation and the world... Pray for the Ukraine... Please.
Saturday It's a beautiful afternoon for mid March... It's warm enough that I have the ceiling fans on the porch on. Even though the day started off in the '40s and it'll be in the '40s again tomorrow morning... It's quite pleasant out today. Sitting on the back porch, and…
Friday I'm just going to go with the images today... So, y'all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for our dysfunctional nation and the world... With a special prayer for the people of Ukraine.
Thursday - Saint Patrick's Day There's a slight blush of spring in the air and on the trees... Blue bonnets are blooming on the bypass underpass. A scattering of azaleas are beginning to bloom around town. The oak trees are beginning to break bud on their leaves. And even though…
Monday - Pi Day
Thursday There are high clouds this morning. And, the morning temperature is in the mid 50s... A really nice place to start out the day. Jeb Loy Nichols is playing on the Winamp machine. Ever since I first heard him on the radio back in the early 2000s I have…
Saturday afternoon Cool with a light, misty rain falling... The day has been stuck in the low 40s and the overcast has hung on... ... And on this weekend say a special prayer for the people of the Ukraine...
Tuesday Happy Birthday Abby The day started out with a light misty rain. Overcast. The temperature though, was quite moderate at 63°. The photos above I took from my back porch as I was putting out cat food this morning. All told there were five or six deer running across…