The 1st of February, 2022


Happy Birthday Abby

The day started out with a light misty rain. Overcast. The temperature though, was quite moderate at 63°.

The photos above I took from my back porch as I was putting out cat food this morning. All told there were five or six deer running across the neighbors backyard. I assume all of the clearing being done to the north of us has got a moving out looking for new habitat.

Not that long ago, we were surrounded by overgrown fields and woods. Now there are just a few blocks of woods left. The largest block is 20 acres divided by the road just a few hundred feet away. Another piece is much smaller just across the block. The two blocks of remnant woods at the back of my yard and the yard next door are really small. It’s a really big difference from what it was when we arrived here almost 30 years ago.

And just because I can here’s my favorite video clip… EVER!

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and say a prayer for our dysfunctional country and the world… I’ll catch y’all on the other side…