May 26th, 2022


It’s a gorgeous, almost perfect, spring-like morning. The temperature is 62°. The skies are cloudless and blue. The birds are singing. And the sun is rising.

It only takes a very little effort to tune out the outside world on a morning like today. But it does take effort.

If I open up to the outside world it’ll be another “thoughts and prayers” b******* day.

WOW, isn’t it funny how my speech to text has a mother setting and cleans up my speech before it reaches the text… Too bad the politicians of America and the world don’t have that option enabled.

So I think it’s time for some hard thought prayers for our dysfunctional country and our dysfunctional leaders in this very dysfunctional world. I think, it’s time to let them know that “thoughts and prayers” haven’t been enough for a very, very long time. I’m beginning to think that the American state sponsored terrorist organization might just be the NRA and it’s American government enablers.