2023 Day 131

Thursday May 11th We're back summer mornings.. there are breaks of the clouds.. temperature is 77°. The dew point is 74°. The ground is still wet though the almost 3 inches of rain we've had in the last couple of days has mostly soaked in. The blooms on the chaste…

2023 Day 129

Tuesday May 9th Once again it's overcast and muggy. This morning's temperature is 77°. The humidity isn't 90%. And the dew point is at 74°. Space City Weather is telling us but there's a high probability of heavy rates today.. maybe.. no matter what they are predicting 1 to 2…

2023 Day 124

Thursday May 4th The temperature outside this morning is 67°. Which is 6° cooler than inside the house, but it feels warmer. That is a perfect representation of what summer feels like on the southeast Texas coast. For me, Houston’s summer typically runs from about mid-May through mid-October. Here are…