Tuesday June 20th I had to get up and get gone early this morning. It was my annual pilgrimage to fulfill the bureaucratic requirements of the school district. For some reason I am required each year to affirm in front of a notary public that the residents that I have…
Monday June 19th Juneteenth Every time I stepped outside yesterday I had this strange disorienting feeling that I had fallen asleep and slept through the month of July and skipped right into August. That was what the day felt like, a normal hot humid August day. If this is a…
Sunday June 18th Happy Father's Day The sky is overcast this morning, but there's hardly any rain in the forecast. Instead it's acting like a thick woolen blanket to hold the heat down on the ground. And it's still in a bang-up job because it's very very warm and muggy.…
Thursday June 15th Stepping out the door this morning, the heated advisory slapped me in my face. It's already hot, it's already humid and the sun isn't even over the horizon yet. Just look at the dew point.. 78°. The Eastern horizon is just a wall of haze. Pale pink…
Tuesday June 13th Maybe I am acclimating to summer.. because, this morning even though I'm late it doesn't feel quite as sticky on the back porch. But if you look at the image above, you can see that I really should feel sticky... I mean really, the temperature in the…
Monday June 12th It was very hazy as the sun came up this morning. Though not uncomfortable, the temperature and humidity cause anticipation and dread for the afternoons to come. As I watch my backyard, I see flashes of bright red against a dark green background. And the vividness of…
Sunday June 11th It's that time of year. Where the sun comes up around the corner of the house. If it wasn't for the temperatures, I would prefer this time of year.. where the sun doesn't blind me as it rises from the horizon. Last evening we had a massive…
Friday June 9th Today is actually cooler than yesterday.. at least the day is starting out that way. There's a haze in the air.. if it was a little thicker I'd call it a ground fog. A heavy dew lays on everything. Glistening where the sun hits it. I can…
Thursday June 8th Once again, there's a coolness in the air not normally felt at this time of year. Believe me, this is far from a complaint.. with the ceiling fans on, it's almost a chill... Sitting here on the back porch as the sun rises over the eastern horizon…
Wednesday June 7th Wordless Wednesday Counting Down To 70 Years - 244 Days
Tuesday June 6th Space City Weather keeps warning that these cool mornings will come to an end here shortly. And I'm sure they're right, because the humidity is rising. But as long as the dew points hang below 70°, I think I'll be happy. Once again it's mostly quiet out.…
Monday June 5th It's not as cool as it was when the power was out yesterday morning. The temperature this morning is 70°, the dew point is 68°. The only breeze is being supplied by the ceiling fans. The sun is trying to get above the clouds on the eastern…
Sunday June 4th We were awoken quite early this morning because of the lack of power.. electricity, you know.. it was right around 5:00 a.m. and the power was out for 2 hours.. of course everyone in the house woke up immediately. When we stepped out, we could see it…
Saturday June 3rd The sun is up.. breakfast is over.. The coffee pot is empty. The temperature is already 82°. This is probably the latest I have posted, and taking pictures, and a long long time. It's a normal Saturday.. not much on the agenda other than grocery runs. I…
Friday June 2nd I an really enjoying these unexpectedly spring-like days we've had this week. Lower than expected overnight lows.. lower than expected afternoon humidity.. gulf breezes as the day warms.. all in all, a quite pleasant week to end May and start June... As I was sitting and putting…
Wednesday May 31st It's a bit warmer this morning.. The temperature is 72°, the dew point is 71°. There's very little breeze.. unless it's mechanical. The air is filled with the smell of fresh cut grass.. and the sound of a jet engine flying over. Once again, I am amazed…
Tuesday May 30th It's a beautiful day to begin our summer vacation on.. The temperature is 70°, the dew point is 68°. It's very still out.. there is a bit of a haze in the air. It's also very quiet this morning. I am not hearing much in the way…
Memorial Day Monday May 29th This mornings clouds came as a bit of a surprise. The forecast hadn't called for them.. but there they are. And it feels like the summer time dew points are coming back. The rain chances are pushing 80% this morning and thunderstorms are already in…
Sunday May 28 It's gonna be another busy day.. Full of family and grilled foods.. And breakfast Takos.. Catch ya on the other side... Counting Down To 70 Years - 254 Days
Saturday May 27th No porch time this morning. I'm already a couple of cups in and breakfast is done. I have to make a run to the grocery store in half an hour.. so I won't be saying much today. It's the start of the Memorial Day weekend. The family…
Friday May 26th A person could get used to these spring-like mornings at the end of May. The temperature on the front porch this morning is 71°, the dew point is 67°. Please do points in the '60s have been making in the mornings quite pleasant. Though with afternoon highs…
Thursday May 25th It's another one of our nice almost spring days. The temperature is 71°, the dew point is 66°.. which for this area is beautifully low for this time of year. There's a slight breeze blowing to make it feel even cooler. Well for the next to the…
Wednesday May 24th Wordless Wednesday Counting Down To 70 Years - 258 Days
Tuesday May 23rd Not quite as overcast.. High thin clouds only.. Sun threatening to break thru.. The temperature is 70° with a dew point of 68°. So it feels like another nice spring morning. TuesdaySkies will be mostly sunny today, with high temperatures in the upper 80s to 90 degrees.…
Monday May 22nd Once again clouds fill the morning sky... The temperature is 71° with a dew point of 66°. So it actuality it really does feel like a nice spring morning. I am out on the front porch waiting for the bus. This is the last week of this…
Sunday May 21st All I have to say today is a phrase I learned in doing genealogical research... DITTO Now I'll get comfortable for a bit with a book on my Kindle. I'll catch y'all on the other side... And as I leave here's one from my new favorite singer/songwriter...…
Saturday May 20th The sky this morning has not a bit of color.. Which is kinda' funny because yesterday the forecast called for it to be mostly sunny out today. I guess three days in a row with sunny skies was a bit much to ask this year... I've been…
Friday May 19th - Happy Birthday Sandy TGIF... And another week bites the dust... The air is still.. not a breeze is stirring.. and it's warmer today. Sadly, that will be an ongoing pattern that will not change until sometime in late September. The temperature today is already 73°. And…
Thursday May 18th Blue Sky.. Sunshine.. A cool morning.. The temperature out this morning is a mild 71°. Which, when compared to some mornings in the past week or so, is positively spring like. What makes the morning so pleasant is the dew point, which is at 68°. Even the…
Wednesday May 17th Wordless Wednesday Counting Down To 70 Years - 265 Days