Friday It's gray and cool and damp today... It was gray and cool and damp yesterday... too. It's been gray a lot... or so it seems. Even when it is anything but cool... it is still more gray than not. I was watching Austin City Limits this past week.…
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, Valentine's Day It dawned frosty this morning... The temperature was hovering around 33° when I walked outside. With just enough clouds to brighten the sunrise. I spent last evening watching the latest programs from our PBS station here in Houston. After catching the latest episodes of my favorite…
Saturday Night Music The Winamp machine has hit the randomness of some really good blues guitar tonight... It's been probably two decades since I first discovered Matt Thorpe. I still enjoy listening to him make a guitar scream... During early 1999 Matt then persued a solo career spanning 8…
Friday It's the end of the week... As the sun came up a mist hugged the earth... The cool of winter hung on as the sun burned off the fog... Everyone enjoy the coming weekend... I'm gonna have another cup. Here is a shot of last nights sunset taken…
Thursday It's a bit foggy out this morning. The temperature when I first walked out was 38°. It'll get up into the 70s later today... Southeast Texas weather and its best. The photos above show my neighbors new toy... Picked up an old Ford pickup truck for his young daughter.…
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday I walked out before sunup this morning and it was just a bit chilled on the back porch. I wasn't expecting the temperature to be as low as it was after the high of 70 degrees yesterday. But WeatherUnderground let me know it was all of 33 degrees…
Sunday Happy Birthday Me It's my birthday... I was listening to the Winamp machine and the song up above came on. It was released on January 1, 1987... A good long time ago in my life... It'll All Work Out A time when we only had two kids... Life…
Saturday Friday night music led me to a group I fell in love with way back in the early 2000's,.. It was the Greencards. Here's the song that got me going last night... Every time I here Carol Young's voice I recognize it. I first heard their sound on…
Friday Baby it's cold outside... At least for the Texas Gulf Coast it's cold. Morning temperature at 8:30 a.m. was 27°. At least we don't seem to have ice or sleet or even snow. As usual, at any hint of weather... The school district here shut the schools down today.…
Thursday Good morning. The cold front has pushed off the coast, and temperatures have fallen into the upper 30s to low 40s for most of the region. Our primary concern remains the potential for rainfall to turn into wintry precipitation this evening, and during the overnight hours. Secondarily, we…
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday Happy Birthday Abby The day started out with a light misty rain. Overcast. The temperature though, was quite moderate at 63°. The photos above I took from my back porch as I was putting out cat food this morning. All told there were five or six deer running across…
Monday Just to show you how deceiving looks can be... The morning looks decidedly wintery... But the temperatures or anything but. At the moment it's 63° at 10:00 a.m. had the prognosticators or say it will get up into the mid to '70s by afternoon. They are also warning that…
Sunday I've got it all to myself now Crack the window just a hair Dark and close, the way I like it Black tobacco chokes the air I keep to myself, I lack the language I measure out my life with coffee grounds The trees are the color of…
Friday Night Music Ok... I was just letting YouTube pick the music on the TV in my living room... And this one was just really, really fun. And come on... Mary Chapin Carpenter! Saturday night and the moon is out I wanna head on over to the Twist and…
Thursday IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY It's a thing of bliss, Like a morning kiss; When the sun says hello to my heart. Takes me by the hand. And I understand, That the world is God's own work of art. ~Robert Nehls~ This morning dawned to a clearing sky. At…
Wordless Wednesday Wintery morning, 2022
Monday “Only a select few are able to see the true beauty that lies behind what just might seem like a rainy day or a grey sky.” ~Jessica M. Laar~ It's overcast today. The temperature is a mild 50°. There's a misty rain falling. Even though these overcast days are…
Sunday Rainy Day, Mar 2007 "Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet." - Roger Miller. I was listening to this song when it made me think about the image above...
Saturday Coffee Muses, Sept 2007 It's funny how an old fart like me can get set in his ways... For as long as I can remember my photo editing software foe most things has been Picasa. It was a free software from Google. Google abandoned it almost a decade ago.…
Friday Surfside Beach, 2006 I can't think of anything I need to say today... So just relax...
Thursday Galveston Bay, Ferry Crossing 2006 - Gary Boyd Just as it takes a mix of clouds and light To turn the seas to silver, It’s the mix of our life experiences — Dark and light — that burnishes our souls, Rubbing up against us until we shine… ~Diane Walker~…
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday On this morning of a more moderate temperature, clouds are again part of the day's equation. Before dawn the full-ish moon was backlighting a generous scattering of cotton ball like clouds. The really nice thing about the clouds... they temper the over bright light flooding in thru the… Pecan Tree and Winter Sky I pulled into the driveway this January afternoon and the blue of the sky... with bare branches silhouetted demanded a moment... reflection... Pease.
Monday Think of that surge of joy we feel, Upon seeing the magnificence Of which the sky is capable, As a sort of call and response: An echo and reminder Of the magnificent possibilities within us, Waiting to bloom forth and be seen. ~Diane Walker~ Overnight the weather gods…
Sunday Eliza Carthy I'm spending a lot of time in my music library these days. As songs process through the que I find myself wondering where I acquired them... Even what path led me to the artist... When I heard one of Eliza Carthy's songs start playing her voice…
Saturday Years ago... Actually it was more like three decades ago... When I first moved from the warehouse floor into the front offices, I had an old stereo I brought in from the house to my office. I kept it playing all day long on the Houston Public Radio…