January 22nd, 2022


Coffee Muses, Sept 2007

It’s funny how an old fart like me can get set in his ways… For as long as I can remember my photo editing software foe most things has been Picasa. It was a free software from Google. Google abandoned it almost a decade ago. But in all that time I’ve never found a program I prefer. Don’t get me wrong… I’ve used Photoshop, Lightroom, ACDC and a handful of others… but for ease of use, working with my workflow, and being totally nondestructive to my files as I edit… I cannot find a better old software.

What brought this up this morning? It took me a while to figure out how to add my little Terabyte backup drive to the program. I haven’t had access to my library of photos (and music) for a really long time… Ever since I quit spending my days at my desk in the office after my hospital stay at the beginning of 2019…

The image above is the first image in my library. It was created by a website available back in the day that turned your blog post into a newspaper page. And, the image is stored in the root of my photos folder. So once I figured out how to get Picasa to see the newish drive, that image was the first I saw…

Playing on Winamp at the moment…

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and say a prayer for our dysfunctional country and the world… I’ll catch y’all on the other side…