2023 Day 168

Saturday June 17th The sun isn't up just yet and the temperature and dew points are already oppressive. The humidity is actually higher than yesterday... I haven't even poured my first cup of coffee... But I'm out here on the back porch anyway. I noticed yesterday that we have moved…

2023 Day 167

Friday June 16th Usually about twice per summer or so, the heat in Houston goes to what I call the next level, where it's hot like always, but it just feels worse. This is the type of heat where your body can truly suffer if you don't take it seriously.…

2023 Day 161

Saturday June 10th Well I slept in this morning and evidently missed whatever cool was left... Check out that dew point temperature... Yep, we're into summer now. It's too oppressive.. and depressive.. To sit out on the back porch right now. So... So I want to drink some coffee and…

2023 Day 152

Thursday June 1st It's a bit cooler this morning.. The temperature before sunup was 66°.. The dew point was the exact same temperature. And with a humidity of 96%.. The pre-dawn air was slightly foggy. Bars of light split the darkness from the security lights across the street. As I…