Tuesday April 11th It's a fairly pleasant morning on the front porch. The temperature is 63°. There's no apparent breeze. And scattered amongst the overcast or big patches and blue sky.. maybe I shouldn't say big.. okay there are visible patches of blue sky. Though, truth be told, the sun…
Monday April 10th It's another overcast start to the day. It's a pleasant 63° out though. The winds are calm. Basically, it's pretty much a repeat of oh so many days so far this year. Warmer than some, cooler than others.. The unifying bit about most of them is the…
Sunday April 9th I hope this Easter Sunday finds everyone happy. Colored eggs and Easter bunnies or much more appreciated when all of the grandkids were actually little kids. But absolutely everyone still enjoys Easter candy. As strange as it may seem.. before bed last night I could actually see…
Saturday April 8th It's Saturday, and I'm running late, and the day looks pretty much like yesterday. The temperature is 56°. The rains have moved out but you really can't tell it. Other than that I really don't have much to say.. so I won't say much. Y'all all have…
Friday April 7th It's a cool 59° this morning with a light rain falling. There's a steady breeze blowing out of the north at 10 mph. The breeze is just hard enough to make the tree limbs sigh as a move back and forth. Once again, we are facing a…
Thursday April 6th The temperature is 58° this morning.. chili with the north breeze blowing. The overcast is total and gray. But rain is on the way... So while I wait for an extremely rainy day.. Y'all need to stay dry, stay safe, and I'll catch you on the other…
Wednesday April 5th Wordless Wednesday Counting Down To 70 Years -307 Days
Tuesday March 4th It's 74° with gusty winds on this very humid and somewhat sticky morning. The winds are out of the south. Therefore it's still on the front porch as I want to wait for the bus to get the kids... The wind chimes are singing softly. You know,…
Monday April 3rd It's already warm and muggy this morning.. The temperature is 74°. The guys at Space City weather are predicting the high today will approach 90°. Not exactly what I would like for an early spring day. Right now it's very still. And other than the traffic, the…
Sunday April 2nd It was very foggy earlier this morning.. not so much now. There is a stench to the air from the smoke residue from the "trash pile" the neighbor a couple of properties over was burning yesterday. The temperature is 70°. The winds are calm. The humidity is…
Saturday April 1st It's 73° out this morning. The day is starting out like every other day lately.. heavily overcast. But the winds have slacked off to nothing, so that's an improvement. The forecast is calling for a partly cloudy day.. so far our part is cloudy. In honor of…
Friday March 31st It's a very breezy morning out here on the front porch waiting for the school bus. The temperature is 73°. According to windy.com the winds are blowing at 13 mph with guests of 18 mph. And, once again, the skies are totally overcast. According to the guys…
Thursday March 30th It's another overcast morning. And it's a breezy 68° with a 92% humidity. The wind is out of the east, so it will be bringing golf moisture in over us all day long. This week I visited with another collector of GC Meyers artwork. I met her…
Wednesday March 29th Wordless Wednesday Counting Down To 70 Years -314 Days
Tuesday March 28th The line of showers moved through last night at about 4:00 a.m. . I woke up to thunder but don't recall any lightning.. though it had to be there in order for the thunder to happen. Today's temperature is 66°and even though there are puddles on the…
Monday March 27th Another very foggy morning in SE Texas. It's 69° this morning. And very very muggy. Over the weekend my wife and I were talking and my ex employer came up. During COVID they shut down their operations in Houston and I was wondering what they were doing…
Sunday March 26th It's foggy. The 67° this morning feels different from the 67° of yesterday morning. Humidity changes everything. I am sitting on the back porch listening to the morning bird song. Also to the rumble of the distant trains.. The barking of the distant dogs.. The barely audible…
Saturday March 25th I slept in this morning, so the sun is well up.. The temperature though, is a pleasant 67° with a much lower than normal humidity. Since it's already late though, I think I'll shut this one down already and get on with my morning... Y'all enjoy the…
Friday March 24th It's a pleasant 71° though a little muggy. By midday the chance of rain starts climbing to near 100%. Radar is already showing a mass of thunderstorms across Central Texas as a front moves our way. The red oak tree out back, has shown in the above…
Thursday March 23rd It's already 71° this morning. And once again it's mostly cloudy. Got to make a run into Houston this morning.. so this is going to be a quick one... Y'all have a good day and I'll catch y'all on the other side... Counting Down To 70 Years…
Wednesday March 22nd Wordless Wednesday Counting Down To 70 Years -321 Days
Tuesday March 21st What a difference a day can make ... The temperature this morning is 62°. The high today is going to be closing in on 80°. Welcome to spring. Once again, it's totally overcast. That's pretty much been the story of this winter.. mostly cloudy. I'm sitting on…
Monday March 20th Welcome Spring... Today I woke to an outside temperature of 35°. According to the guys at Space Center Weather this should be the last time we see temperatures this low for a good long while... The grandkids are headed back to school after being off all last…
Sunday March 19th It's a chilly, gray morning. The temperature when I woke up was 44°. It has been so gray that I'm just chilling and not getting much done. So now it's time for a late breakfast and to figure out what needs to get done today... Y'all enjoy…
Saturday March 18th It's another wet and chilly morning. A light rain is falling. The temperature is 45°. It's almost 9:00 a.m. and it's still dark and gloomy out. Between all of the pollen in the air and the temperature changes I'm really sniffing and snorting around here. Since I'm…
Friday March 17th The world outside looks green. But that's appropriate for St Patrick's Day... This morning it's raining. The temperature is 46° but the wind chill has it feeling like 40°. And there's a steady north wind of at least 15 mph with gusts of 25 mph. So once…
Thursday March 16th It's a warmish muggy morning. Heavily overcast. The temperature is 71°. I waited to take the pictures above but the sky hasn't changed since before sunup. The weather today should be interesting.. starting out warm and cooling down overnight. The prognosticators are even foretelling of rain passing…
Tuesday March 14th Last Quarter Moon over the Backyard It's another beautiful spring morning. There's a slight breeze from the north blowing this morning. And the temperature is a spring-like 54°. Yesterday ended up being an absolutely spectacular day for most of the area, except perhaps southwest of Galveston, which…
Monday March 13th Spring has returned. The temperature this morning is 56°. And it feels much more spring-like on the back porch. It's breezy. The wind's blowing out of the northeast making the tree limbs dance. Happy Monday, y’all! We tacked on two more 80 degree days over the weekend,…
Sunday March 12th The temperature is 71°. Humidity is at 89%. Daylight savings time is in effect... Again. So, I guess I should change my clocks... The only ones that really matter most are the alarm clocks in the bedroom... And yes we still use digital alarm clocks. I would…