2023 Day 72

Monday March 13th

Spring has returned. The temperature this morning is 56°. And it feels much more spring-like on the back porch. It’s breezy. The wind’s blowing out of the northeast making the tree limbs dance.

Happy Monday, y’all! We tacked on two more 80 degree days over the weekend, bringing our 2023 total to 18, tying us with 1974, 2000, and 2017 for the second most to start a year. The pace of this early spring warmth is really going to begin to slow down, however. You may have felt the change a bit yesterday afternoon once the cooler air behind the front settled in, along with the breeze. You’ll be feeling more of that in the future.

According to the clock I’ve overslept. According to my body… yes, I’ve overslept a little but only a little… I hate DST.

For some reason the Congress critters can’t do away with daylight savings time. So, their answer to the problem of changing the clocks twice a year is to pass a law to make daylight savings time permanent year-round. And just like I’ve asked in the past… Why?

For something that had a reason over a hundred years ago when lighting involved candles and lamp oil which were both in short supply due to WWI… I just don’t understand why we still do it. Other than, maybe, it’s the Congress critters trying to exert control over something they really have no control over… Time.

I mean really think about it… What exactly does DST being year round accomplish? Now I realize that I view this subject from a southern perspective. The length of our days does not have the drastic change that more northern states experience. But, when you really look at it the only thing that making DST permanent changes his meal times. And why do the Congress critters think I want to eat lunch at an hour past the noon hour?

Counting Down To 70 Years -330 Days