Tuesday May 16th The morning dawned quite foggy. According to my phone, it's 72° this morning. It's quite humid. But according to Space City Weather, we are supposed to have a front move through this evening that will bring dryer air. It'll also drop the overnight lows into the upper…
Monday May 15th Stepped out before sunup to just a little bit more color. It's just a bit cooler this morning at 74°. Though now that I'm on the front porch waiting for the bus the sun has decided to hide behind the clouds. The forecast for the day has…
Sunday May 14th Happy Mother's Day Mother's Day, 10:00 a.m. It's once again muggy and wet. Which is a bit strange as it's only 74 °. But, then again, the dew point is 72 °. Which pretty much means the air is saturated. It's been raining of and on for…
Saturday May 13th Once again I lay abed this Saturday morning. And once up, I wasn't impressed with the day as it looked. The morning temperature is already hovering around 80°. As you can see.. once again the sun is hiding. My experiment this year has been a bust for…
Friday May 12th TGIF It's muggy.. it's sticky.. it's warm.. temperature is 78° and the sun is barely up. We are well into the first stage of summer. It will be a long, lol time for summer ends. It is definitely the season for electrical cooling on the southeast Texas…
Wednesday May 10th Wordless Wednesday Counting Down To 70 Years - 272 Days
Monday May 8th The morning is not quite as warm... Though the difference isn't enough to really matter at 76°. As you can see the sky is overcast as it has been on a majority of the days this year. It was on this day in 2006 that I started…
Sunday May 7th I slept in this morning.. and I don't have a lot to say.. so I think I'll just share all of last month's sunrises. Y'all have a great Sunday. I'll catch y'all on the other side. https://youtu.be/--OfQxwB1qE Counting Down To 70 Years -275 Days
Saturday May 6th ... and summer continues... Busy.. not much to say.. weather's blah and muggy... gonna curl up with a good (or not so good) read and chill... catch y'all on the other side... Counting Down To 70 Years -276 Days
Friday May 5th It's like walking into a sauna when I step outside this morning. The morning temperature is already 77°. The sun is trying to burn through the layer of clouds. And what little bit of breeze there is, is not making it to the bench I'm sitting on..…
Wednesday May 3rd Wordless Wednesday https://youtu.be/1pqttl9aWm0 RIP - November 17, 1938 - May 1, 2023 Counting Down To 70 Years -279 Days
Tuesday May 2nd It is a nice comfortable morning. The temperature is 61°. The winds are calm. I have a hard time calling it a spring morning though with the projected high going up into the mid '80s.. or even higher. Here lately I've been listening to a lot of…
Monday May 1st It's another cool and clear morning on the back porch. The day started at 56°. According to the extended forecast, this should be our last morning in the '50s for a while. By Friday morning the daily lows will be in the '70s. Summer's coming... Good morning.…
Sunday April 30th It's a cool and clear morning.. 51 degrees.. still winds.. heavy dew on the grass. A beautiful Sunday morning. I've already made a run for breakfast takos. It's becoming a Sunday tradition. John Prine is playing on the speaker.. Willie was playing earlier.. Rodney Crowell has been…
Saturday April 29th The morning dawned cool and blustery after the thunderstorms of las evening worked their way out of the area, The temperature has been falling all morning as the winds make the trees dance. When I woke up this morning the temperature was in the low 60's.. it's…
Thursday April 27th Happy Birthday Caitlin McKenzie Thirty-three years ago today our youngest daughter was born. My hope for her birthday is happiness! This morning has been cool and blustery with a bit of rain thrown in. The temperature is 63°. As I got out of bed this morning, distant…
Wednesday April 26th Wordless Wednesday Counting Down To 70 Years -287 Days
Tuesday April 25th It's a pleasantly cool 66° this morning. It's forecast to go up to 77°.. it's also on the forecast to be cloudy all day. But then again, what's new this year? I will say this.. being a half week over on my laundry sure made for a…
Monday April 24th It's just a bit on the chill side this morning... My phone says the temperature is 56°. But you know what? With the moisture in the air it feels cooler than that. Well, yesterday's weather turned out pretty much like I mentioned it might. Thunderstorms rolled across…
Sunday April 23rd It's a pleasant 63° this morning. And the above little bit of clear sky on the eastern horizon is probably the only time today we'll see the sun.. or even evidence that it's up there. What you see in the first picture above is the eastern edge…
Friday April 21st We had a very interesting night last night. Shortly after 4:00 a.m. a line of thunderstorms blew through our area. Heavy rain, lots of lightning and thunder.. it made for a very interesting early morning. My wife texted after she got to work that the street lights…
Thursday April 20th According to the weather prognosticators, there's a chance of rough weather this evening and overnight. But the morning is starting out warm and a bit humid. The temperature is already 73°. At the moment the winds are calm. Since I need to run into Houston this morning…
Wednesday April 19 Wordless Wednesday Counting Down To 70 Years -294 Days
Tuesday April 18th https://youtu.be/FnbmYOOTly0 Counting Down To 70 Years -295 Days
Monday April 17th It's a nice and cool morning on the front porch. The temperature is 51°. The winds are calm. The birds are singing loudly. And Monday morning traffic is heavy. Old age is an insidious thing. You sit around, contemplating your life, thinking about what was and what…
Sunday April 16th It's a cool and breezy Sunday morning on the back porch. The temperature is a pleasant 62°. The high for today is forecast to be 76°.. 10° cooler than yesterday's forecasted high... Which was probably 5° warmer by the time it was all said and done. I…
Saturday April 15th The morning is warm and wet.. 74°with rain showers moving through the area. A bit ago thunder rumbled in the distance. Radar shows quite a bit of brain just to the north of us. Looking at my cellphone I see that we are forecast to have a…
Friday April 14th There is a heavy coating of dew on the grass this morning... And the air hangs heavy too. My wife has pulled a vacation day today so my normal schedule is off. Such is life. Breakfast tacos from the Happy Tako have already been consumed. My last…
Thursday April 13th The progression of the seasons is well advanced and I've missed most of it due to the continued overcast we've had. The Sun, on its annual progression to the north, has now reached the point where the back porch will be touched less and less to fall…
Wednesday April 12th Wordless Wednesday Counting Down To 70 Years -301 Days